your favorite ice cube cd


New Member
Shit, it was The Predator at first, then I went to Death Certificate, but recently went to AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted, and am now undecided. That shit is tough.
death certificate then amw but lately its been war and peace the peace disc i think it is. may not be at his best but he still good.

7 Syns

Well-Known Member
Toss up between 'amerikkka'z most wanted', 'lethal injection' and 'death certificate'. 'the predator' was good too but he had lost alot of that fierce energy that he was on during n.w.a. and the 3 lp's i mentioned above.

It changes everyday. I think Predator has the most consistent amount of good songs, Death Certificate has the best songs but there are few of them and AmeriKKKa's most wanted is about half good. And his others are good too, I like all of ice cubes muzzzik one of my favs

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