Yo, it's time...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
....to change the design of the life forum. I'm used now to the black color and everytime I go to life and the old, white color pops up I suffer a minor heart attack. Those that don't like the new design have disabled it anyway......I don't see no point no more in mixing the two designs, I think you should change the life forum to the new design.

Anyone else?

Yeah, I really hate looking at Life now that I am used to the new skin as well. (The old one really looks crap in comparison, hehe ;)).
yeah, I always thought the same, the new design looks so modern, but when I go to the life forum I feel I'm back to the 80's... It's time for a change
S O F I S T I K said:
I like the old one, which I'm using right now. Dark backgrounds just don't work, in my opinion.
Good for you... That is not what this thread is about. Using the new skin, "Life" remains in the old. That is what Menace is suggesting be changed!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nah nah, this dark one is great. Easy on the eyes. Ruk didn't change it for Life cause he probably didn't want the Pac groupies to throw a fit.

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