i'll wait for this thing to go down in price....so prolly 3 years from now i'll think seriously about it, then 2 years later i'll buy it from gamestop used....thats what i did with my xbox, got it modded, and im a happy camper...such a happy camper...free games, burn games to HDD...i'm a typical Indian, and damn it feels good.....so yeah..
just wait for a little while, everyone else, and congrats, dub cee, but you know you coulda waited a little longer....
i learned from buying a gaycube three months after it was released at full price....i dont think i've touched it in a year...i kicked it once, when i was reminded of its uselessness...but other than that...
let the dust settle, then see which console has what you want...sony, M$, and N, all want you to think these nice games are gonna come out, but they either get cancelled or something, and you feel cheated....i really feel strongly on this subject cuz ive experienced it, and so therefore, wait for a while....you can always play it at that rich kid's house for the next 3 years....