Will The Massacre be better than "Get Rich..."?

I look back at Get Rich or Die Tryin' and I can't believe how professional it was. The beats and production are simply great, and very pleasing to listen to. This about almost every single song on Get Rich or Die Tryin'. I am not talking about 50's lyrics of anything else, just the production.

I am now looking at The Massacre, and there's a few points to mention. First, the name is lame, and could be a lot better. Think of it. St. Valentine's Day Massacre or The Massacre? I don't even have to think of it. I'll go with St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

Second, what's the deal with Candy Shop? 21 Questions was okay, and was probably a good idea to share the album with the ladies too, but aren't these songs for the ladies getting too much? I am tired of hearing every rapper rapping for women, and would love to see someone doing something different.

That's not it. Candy Shop is..uhh...terrible. The lyrics are nothing special, and the beat is, for lack of better word, bad.

I wish 50 could go back to songs like with sick beats like Wanksta, sick intro like Many Men, and a SICK club song like In Da Club.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
When I first heard the entire album, I thought the production was.. well, sloppy (not the beats but how the album was produced). Like you said, Get Rich has a solid feel to it. The Massacre seems like a mixtape to me, the flow of the album is not like the one on Get Rich...

Candy Shop is wack compared to In Da Club, I didn't like it at first and still don't but for certain people who buy his albums, it's just 21 Questions and In Da Club in one.
But you got to give 50 cent credit. He said he listens to the beat then pick it. Not like everybody else spend all that money to get these top name producers. And they still have a wack CD. Except for DRE and eminem all his beats are from new unknown cats. And that take some balls to mess with some unknown cats. He got HI TEk but nobody realty knows who he is .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Get Rich Or Die Tryin was alot better, but I don't think The Massacre was bad. GRODT was hard to beat.

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