Why was my thread deleted ???

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I know dante is a god here and he can do everything he wants, but what is the point of it ???

he just deleted my thread in FX forum where i wanted to sell some things, as usual he had to drop his 2 cents and tell every1 to not buy from me altho, im the one of the ppl who got most feedback in fair xchange sticky thread, just becoz he felt he was ripped off by me, and only he thinks that !!!

BTW i think he overuses his mod powers, i see him deleting threads alsmot everyday, in the past i didn`t ever see threads being deleted !!!

dante if u gonna diss me in every thread i open, it`s sure thing im gonna defend myself, and if ppl gonna back me up coz they know im legit and diss u then don`t delete threads, everyone knows w`sup, u afraid ur groupies will change sides ? grow up at last !!! and plz get lost from every single thread i will make on this board, thanks


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
1. Beef will not be tolerated in any forum. Differences in opinion are expected, but please debate respectfully.
2. Beef are comments made for the purpose of insulting somebody else with negative intent, looking for a negative reaction, or blatantly insulting somebody. The difference between beef and people who are "clowning" around is the negative intent.
12. No posting of another member’s personal information without their consent. This includes, but is not limited to; real names, email addresses, telephone numbers, PMs, private IM conversations, IM screen names and home addresses. It does not matter if the member has posted this information themselves in the past. Member’s personal unseen photos are also not allowed to be posted without permission.

the caution to potential buyers i posted in your thread was 100% truth. thanks to your little alliance with 221 you thought you had the authority to rip me off. ok, fine. but i'm free to let people know about this as a warning before mailing you cash.

i deleted the thread because of your insistance in using my real name as some sort of intimidation or power trip. i know your real name too, but i'm not using it. i've already warned you several times to abide by the rules, and if you think that i'm trying to flex by deleting your thread then you need to rethink why you post what you do.
do i post in ur every thread saying u tried to rip me off claiming u sent a letter with cash, which u never did ? NO!!! so u just trying to get me a bad name and to scare my potential buyers, alright, if u want i will start warning ur clients too

and oh if any beef was tehre, u started it urself with ur 2 cents

as for the name, u many times called my real name here too, or u changed my nick in the way which was offensive to me, stop playin like that, and i will stop

can`t u just spend ur time here w/o abusing me with any chance?? get a life man
Dante said:
i deleted the thread because of your insistance in using my real name as some sort of intimidation or power trip. i know your real name too, but i'm not using it. i've already warned you several times to abide by the rules, and if you think that i'm trying to flex by deleting your thread then you need to rethink why you post what you do.
So you don't follow the rules because?

Moderator Guidelines said:
Deleting Threads:
Threads should rarely if ever be deleted. They should instead be closed.
This thread-deleting has gotten way out of hand.
^^^ those guidelines should be followed to the fullest. deleting threads is starting to piss everybody off, and why is it that only you dante is deleting threads whilst the other 6 moderators rarely do??


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
thread deletion has its time and place, which is rare if ever. if an entire thread has degraded down to a rule breaking orgy, mods can prune the threads, but there reaches a point when it's unfeasible.

anyway, i rather expected several of marvelouz's cronies would swing in, so let's chat.

in life i deleted:
*Download* Temptations (Dying To Live) Remix since it was a double post and the poster was not aware that his mix should be sent to mix em up. i moved one link, deleted the other. fair enough?
again in life:
i deleted posts in attempt to rescue kdogg's thread, in which even a mod was freeposting. the thread lasted a few more breaths before turning into a total waste.
finally, in fx, i deleted:
Couple of 2PAC items for TRADE or SELL, because marvelouz insists on walkign the line by using my real name as some sort of intimidation. guess what, t*m*k, i can do the same shit, but i don't. here's a secret: i sell on ebay all the time. buyers get my contact info. your games are fruitless and will not be rewarded, not to mention violate forum rules.

when it comes down to it, if some people would participate in the board and its other sections more, they'd see that posts that provoke thread killing responses are usually deleted or edited away. i feel very comfortable doing the same. i'm not censoring you, i'm helping meaningful threads not to get destroyed because some asshole found a funny picture on ebaum's world.

this thread isn't about what's best for the board and its discussions. it's about a select number of people who still *ride* for their fallen leader, and have their heads so buried in their own asses that they think trying to intimidate me and then reporting me as a criminal mod will somehow make me lose sleep.

are we clear?
i don`t care who u are here, i know u do care tho :D :rolleyes:

all that came from that u gotta diss me in every thread i made, if u stop that we will have no probs, watch ur own business and i will do the same

and oh, it`s got nothing to do with lawz, he no longer around anyways...

if u call ppl who got balls to speak what they think cronies, then i wonder how should i call ppl who are afraid to speak coz almighty 2Pac-world-god-dante will look bad at them, and therefore they will not be allowed to dream about rares anymore :rolleyes:

now go and teach bunch of fools who follow u :thumb:

if any admin care plz reteach dante about his mod powers and close that.

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
Well, rules are made to be broken....
But i'd have to side with Marvelous on this. No disrespect Dante, but a lot of people on this board don't always like the way you think. You can be arrogant and childish at the same time and hurt peoples feelings. I mean, I don't mind you speaking your mind and all that, but sometimes you sound like my old school teacher always nagging me about "follow the rules" and shit. I ain't mad at you, but try being a little bit more considerate. Smile once in a while :D

Signing off: Marvelous Cronie-Kadafi Son


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
if people don't like the way i think, they can kiss my ass.

show me where i have been the bastard you'd have me believe i am. post a link if you can find an undeserved arrogant remark or attack. show me what i'm doing wrong.

if people are getting their feelings hurt by some binary code then they have bigger problems than dante the evil mod. shit, pittsey bans people. he's the real devil here!

until ruk or sicc tell me otherwise, i'm confident in my decisions.
Dante said:
until ruk or sicc tell me otherwise, i'm confident in my decisions.
I agree wit dante on this one. Marvelous, ur not a mod, so how can u tell him how to do his job. If hes not doin it right, im sur ruk or sicc will say sumin.

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
Dante said:
if people don't like the way i think, they can kiss my ass.

show me where i have been the bastard you'd have me believe i am. post a link if you can find an undeserved arrogant remark or attack. show me what i'm doing wrong.

if people are getting their feelings hurt by some binary code then they have bigger problems than dante the evil mod. shit, pittsey bans people. he's the real devil here!

until ruk or sicc tell me otherwise, i'm confident in my decisions.
Crushed his dreams of reviving his 2pac collection :(

And here's an unneccessary and mean quote:

Here's another mean and unneccessary one:

Wow, is this the maturity level of a mod?!

Hey! You were nice in this one!

I would find a lot more, but then I would be trying too hard to be an asshole like some people.

But you heard me! Smile once in a while! :)
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