Why is kdogg banned?

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New Member
He made good mixes and though he broke the rules... he made me laugh alot. It's not like his constant "kdogg" posts were ruining anyones TB experience or anything... they just served as laughs for easily amused people.


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I admit he has an obsession with hating Eminem, but besides that he doesn't seem like a bad dude at all. I doubt he really did anything that warrants a ban.
Well I guess if he kept freeposting after he was warned numerous times, it warrants a ban. He even freeposted in Ruk's 15,000 post shoutout thread, that's just asking for trouble lol
Well if you have been constantly warned over and over again and you don't listen, that's what you get. It may not be fair, but it's not like he wasn't warned.
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