- Why & How Is The Game Better than 50cent

In my opinion, the Game is better lyrically, and he is more of an MC. For one thing, 50 Cent tends to just make the last syllable of every line rhyme (although he sometimes gets more complex), whereas the Game is more multisyllabic. His metaphors and similes and are bit better than 50's. In addition, Game makes better dis records, just listen to 300 Bars and Runnin, then listen to G-Unit's 300 Shots. But 50 makes stuff that is more likely to sell, I think he's better at putting together songs that have potential of being hits. But we'll see when Game drops his next album and when 50 drops his next album.
He isnt, game is just more lyrical. 50 has better flow, constructed better albums, more charisma, better storyteller, etc..

game is nice tho but overall 50 > game
i'd say 50 was better in his prime. back in 97 98 when he wasn't mainstream and spit the real shit. now he's just crap. he used to be my favorite rapper after pac back then. it's a shame


Well-Known Member
i'd say 50 was better in his prime. back in 97 98 when he wasn't mainstream and spit the real shit. now he's just crap. he used to be my favorite rapper after pac back then. it's a shame
Age: 18 Posts: 2,075 Location: Seattle

Your profile says you're 18, and you're from Seattle. So, from 1997-1998, your favorite rapper, as a 10-13 year old living on the other side of the country, was a rapper who wasn't signed until 1999, didn't drop a single (a novelty one at that) until halfway through that year, and whose output afterwards was limited to soundtracks and mixtapes available mostly only in New York until the new millennium?

Shut the fuck up.


Active Member
roaches said:
Your profile says you're 18, and you're from Seattle. So, from 1997-1998, your favorite rapper, as a 10-13 year old living on the other side of the country, was a rapper who wasn't signed until 1999, didn't drop a single (a novelty one at that) until halfway through that year, and whose output afterwards was limited to soundtracks and mixtapes available mostly only in New York until the new millennium?

Shut the fuck up.
haha, uh oh
I'm 20 and to be honest, I think dre was better than both 50 cent and game back when he was underground b4 the NWA days, he used to be my favorite rapper until i learned to walk.
DeeezNuuuts83 said:
In my opinion, the Game is better lyrically, and he is more of an MC. For one thing, 50 Cent tends to just make the last syllable of every line rhyme (although he sometimes gets more complex), whereas the Game is more multisyllabic. His metaphors and similes and are bit better than 50's. In addition, Game makes better dis records, just listen to 300 Bars and Runnin, then listen to G-Unit's 300 Shots. But 50 makes stuff that is more likely to sell, I think he's better at putting together songs that have potential of being hits. But we'll see when Game drops his next album and when 50 drops his next album.
wut he said. after listening to Games 3rd verse on Dreams
roaches said:
Your profile says you're 18, and you're from Seattle. So, from 1997-1998, your favorite rapper, as a 10-13 year old living on the other side of the country, was a rapper who wasn't signed until 1999, didn't drop a single (a novelty one at that) until halfway through that year, and whose output afterwards was limited to soundtracks and mixtapes available mostly only in New York until the new millennium?

Shut the fuck up.
I can understand about the year reference, but his age doesn't mean shit. Because if he's like me, he grew up around older people who listened to more 'mature' Rap. I personally know a 12 yr. old right now whose favorite rapper is J.R. Writer, someone who has had about 2 album appearances, no single of his own, and has made his buzz off of mixtapes for about the last 2 years now.


Wishes he was on probation
50 has more charisma, more contreversial, make better hooks, has a much better voice and tells interesting stories.

game is a boring cunt who cant go one song without mentionin pac,dre or biggie.

Ide prefer a 50cent album over games anyday.

if it wasnt for the beats on "The documentary" it woulda been the worst album of 2005
50 Cent has no depth what so ever. Ever since GRODT dropped, the deepest track he's dropped is "Gotta Make It To Heaven" which is a damn shame. ON GRODT, what held that album up was simply the production, no more and no less. The Massacre was a solid effort, but no where on the level of what it should've been. I will admit, though, 50 is a great song writer. He has a real talent for writing the most catchy hooks. But as great as his hooks are, they are also a Catch 22, because he uses too much harmony in them. I won't say singing because singing that is not. After awhile, that shit gets tiresome.

Game, on the other hand, is 2x the lyricist that 50 is. Alot of people would say that 50's flow is better, but I tend to think different. Just listen to how he miraculously rides the beats on "300 Bars" as if they were tailored for him, and 50 sometimes just can flow average to the beats that actually were made for him ("Get In My Car"). There is no match between Game and 50 as far as metaphors, punchlines and similies go, either.

"You goin ‘gainst me dog, you makin a mistake, I'll split ya/
Leave ya lookin like the Michael Jackson jackets wit all them zippers/"
---50 Cent

"Let me out so I can drive down criminal way/
Pushing the rock, nah this ain't no subliminal Jay/"
---The Game

How could those two even be compared? Game is also a way better diss writer than 50. Bottom line 50 has better songwriting abilities, Game has better punchlines, metaphors and just lyrics altogether, a better flow and a better diss writer.

*A controversial status does not determine how good a musician is, FYI.
i think that games is better than 50, 50s shit alllllll sounds the same, sick of it tho game might use the same words too much his music has depth n lately each track he sounds better so welll see who does more in the next few
Sarr said:
50 has more charisma, more contreversial, make better hooks, has a much better voice and tells interesting stories.

game is a boring cunt who cant go one song without mentionin pac,dre or biggie.

Ide prefer a 50cent album over games anyday.

if it wasnt for the beats on "The documentary" it woulda been the worst album of 2005
Your also a big ass hater... you even got 50 cent in your fav rapper list.
Sarr said:
50 has more charisma, more contreversial, make better hooks, has a much better voice and tells interesting stories.
lol, funniest thing I've heard all day.

What may these "interesting stories" be?
"More controversial", how so?
"Better voice", he mumbles ffs..


me, myself & us
i'd have to say The Game. he does have nice lyrics which are way better than 50. also he does flow well on any kind of beat (300 bars and runnin) and when he raps, he actually says something. all that 50 has his catchy beats and catchy hooks.

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