why did bizare from d12 cry like a bitch on punkd?

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jerzeymobfan said:
man he cry like a lil bitch...im not listenin to his shit anymore, respect lost!
Do you understand what the word "editing" means?

You don't even know a quarter of what happened during that Punk'd.

People like you dude make me laugh. Oh, and uh...why would you ever have had respect for Bizarre in the first place? I mean, as a person that's one thing because we don't know what Rufus Johnson is like. But in regards to his stage name Bizarre, what the hell is there to respect?

Also, if you noticed, it was only his right eye that appeard to be shedding tears and people don't cry from one eye. Chances are his eye was watering, not crying.

Geez man, how come every rapper has to like be strapped with 30 glocks, wear 3 bullet proofs, smack a couple ho's and kill some people or they're "not hard". When did rap music start being about who was the "hardest"?


On Probation: Please report any break in the guide
please shut up he was crying from both eyes.Then he said it was because of the wind.But it really was because he seen jersymobfan's mama.

Dave D

Active Member
if yuo watch the Beef II dvd where hes talking about the eminem and royce beef his eyes are watery there aswell. Hes not crying.


Well-Known Member
Dave D said:
if yuo watch the Beef II dvd where hes talking about the eminem and royce beef his eyes are watery there aswell. Hes not crying.
Yah, if he lays down the water may roll out. Thats why he has a shower cap. :p
please shut up he was crying from both eyes.Then he said it was because of the wind.But it really was because he seen jersymobfan's mama.
Wow...it's ridiculous. Amazing how often people on this board just come out with "shut up" and crap. This is a discussion forum, we're here to talk, so if you want people to shut up, go to bed or something.

And I've seen the episode like 4 times already. He was only shedding from the right eye.

And furthermore, who cares? I've been arrested before, it ain't fun.
Dave D said:
they made an ATM give him too much money and then the cops pulled him over etc etc .. it was very funny.
You thought it was funny? Man, that's weird because I thought it was ridiculous. It was one of the stupidest set ups Ashton has ever done. I just sat there watching it going "he's actually falling for this shit?".

I thought the episode, while funny, was stale as hell and unbelievable (as in, who would believe the shit was real?).

I've noticed that a lot of the set ups on the new season are lacking some real creative juices. I think it's about time Ashton let Punk'd go. Create a new show.
He was crying because of the wind. That happens to me all the time. If he was crying out of fear, why wasn't his body reacting as well? Usually, when people are afraid, they do more than just cry. There are certain movements that go with it.

I wasn't surprised about this at all. I was surprised that he had only $50, 000 in his bank account. He's with Eminem and only has $50, 000? Damn. I wonder what happens to his paychecks.
He was crying because of the wind. That happens to me all the time. If he was crying out of fear, why wasn't his body reacting as well? Usually, when people are afraid, they do more than just cry. There are certain movements that go with it.

I wasn't surprised about this at all. I was surprised that he had only $50, 000 in his bank account. He's with Eminem and only has $50, 000? Damn. I wonder what happens to his paychecks.
Dude, have you ever seen the size of Bizarre? It's obvious he ate his pay checks already.

LOL, no, on the real though, think about it. Devil's Night I'm sure didn't do anything more than double platinum, and D12 World is probably no more than platinum as well. So, you consider that, then think about the fact that whatever D12 makes, they're splitting it up 6 ways. Not exactly the most lucrative deal when you're only selling about 4 million copies off 2 albums and have to split the pie 6 ways, add on to that lawyers fees, management fees etc...

I don't think Kon, Kuniva, Swift, Proof or Bizarre are as rich as y'all might think.

lmao bizarre is a pussy
They say you are what you eat.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
I was surprised that he had only $50, 000 in his bank account. He's with Eminem and only has $50, 000? Damn. I wonder what happens to his paychecks.
Yeah thats 50 grand in ONE bank account.He probably has another savings account where he keeps all this dough at.Or maybe he got one of those interest bearing accounts.I dont think he only has $50 grand.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Even if was only 50k, thats still a decent amount to just sit in your account.

freshprince said:
Dude, have you ever seen the size of Bizarre? It's obvious he ate his pay checks already.



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Spoke with Bizarre, and he said it was because the cops pulled guns out and shit, they didnt show it all on TV he said. He told me he's just quick to water up and did because dudes pulled guns on him and shit like that.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Spoke with Bizarre, and he said it was because the cops pulled guns out and shit, they didnt show it all on TV he said. He told me he's just quick to water up and did because dudes pulled guns on him and shit like that.
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