Why Close My Thread?

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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
a) Why do you deserve an explanation?
b) What a dumb thread. edit - I thought you posted a pic of someone who looked like you. I was wrong.
c) It's only a thread, don't worry.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Yeshua said:
Fuck you, you ask me to post my picture and then close it, wtf?

Speak to me in an appropriate manner.

Was that actually a pic of you? You said "he looks just like me". Post my picture threads are supposed to be of yourself. That's why it was closed.

Also... I never asked you to post your pic. And I never closed the thread either.

Edit - I have read it again. And it appears to be you. It was the way you worded it that confused me and obviously the mod that closed it. If you confirm it is indeed you, then I'll open it.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Yeshua said:
Fuck you, you ask me to post my picture and then close it, wtf?
I asked you: "that's not you?" and you said "you're right, it is I instead" then posted the same picture again. I thought it was a lame attempt at a joke so I closed it.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
It was obvious it was his picture. After all, it is the pictures forum, right? It makes sense to post your own pictures. Anyhow, I don't see the rush to close. You could have atleast told him that you were going to close it before you closed it.

This board really needs more clarity.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
H.E. Pennypacker said:
It was obvious it was his picture. After all, it is the pictures forum, right? It makes sense to post your own pictures. Anyhow, I don't see the rush to close. You could have atleast told him that you were going to close it before you closed it.

This board really needs more clarity.

It wasn't obvious if both Salty and I missed it. People need to chill. If it wasn't for the idiots who purposely fuck that forum up and post chilish comments then mods wouldn't have to work so hard and end up making mistakes. If you saw the amount of dumb and offensive posts that were deleted you'd understand.
I offer my oppologies for the brash language I have used, sorry Pittsey, I wasn't attacking you directly.
When I said 'you asked ...' I was reffering to the people who made the sub-forum, the affiliates of Streethop.com.

'He looks just like me' - I was speaking from a third person perspective, I thought people might get that. Obviously not initially. My mistake for trying to be mytserious. I guess I am partially to blame for not being totally 'clear'.

Yes that picture is of me.

Me = I = Myself.


Dying Breed
Staff member
glad to see u have all made up and hugged. im closing this. good work mods for catching the mistake.

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