Which Do You Prefer?


Well-Known Member
Albums that were produced entirely by one producer or albums that was produced by a few of them?

Personally I prefer albums that were produced by a single producer. That way the album usually has a certain feel, as opposed to albums that were produced by a few producers which usually are all over the place. There are only a handful of albums that were produced by more than one producer & yet maintained a certain feel (Illmatic for example).

On a side note, N8 The Gr8 is the best producer EVER.


New Member
I prefer an Album produced by a bunch of producers, this way it is less likely to be wack (maybe I am still too disgraced at Loyal To The Game, so I can't offer a non-biased opinon). It does depend on the producer though..
Another Album that has the same feel to it even with different producers is A Long Hot Summer.
Either or for me. Doesnt really matter as long as the album is just dope.

Great album with one producer: Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...

Great album with multiple producers: All Eyez On Me

so it can go with either.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I prefer multiple producers, unless it is some sort of concept album with a theme running throughout.


Well-Known Member
I don't know. For some reason, albums that were produced by multiple producers get old quite fast. When "The Fix" only came out I was really digging it, now I don't even know what I was seeing in the album.
As opposed to "Troubled Mind" which I was bumping for 5 years now & not only do I not skip a track, I still keep getting amazed at how good the album is production wise.

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