if i recall he came out with one album coupla years back...it was craaazy, i was definately feelin it so were everyone i was showin it to....i was thinking he was ready to blow up....hes extremely talented and his style and delivary is straight dam palatable to todays rap, more than his older bro Napo is.....
but wheres he gone? jus disappeared off the map...he had his shine taken off him by his older bro who hasnt doen anything except for givin us empty promises upon empty promises, he hasnt produced and maaan has it been an anti climax, ive given up waiting for his album which is probably out dated now and i think over hyped no way can it hang with the other big dogs in the industry, lets be serious, altho i still support him.....
but Kamil if ur out ther? do sumthin man, u got what it take,s i was sayin this then and i still say it now....
but wheres he gone? jus disappeared off the map...he had his shine taken off him by his older bro who hasnt doen anything except for givin us empty promises upon empty promises, he hasnt produced and maaan has it been an anti climax, ive given up waiting for his album which is probably out dated now and i think over hyped no way can it hang with the other big dogs in the industry, lets be serious, altho i still support him.....
but Kamil if ur out ther? do sumthin man, u got what it take,s i was sayin this then and i still say it now....