Where the hell has my VIP Gone?

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Ok my bad it has been 6 months.

But my question is now this.

Why the fuck did you try and bill my paypal again to renew it without my permission? Luckily no money went but you can't just be taking money without asking.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I can answer this.
When you sign up... if you don't check the option to cancel the subscription, you're automatically signed up to renew at the end of each cycle.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well I don't know what it says verbatim when you first sign up, sorry. If you go to paypal and go under your history... see if it's still listed there or not. It would say like "subscription created" under type next to the date.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Okay, go under history, go to search, from the drop down bar select subscriptions, change the date to when you signed up, hit search. A list of any subscriptions will populate. Click details next to your active one from here. When the new page loads, scroll down to the bottom and hit cancel subscription. That should work.

Make sure you read the fine print when you sign up for something.. they always get you with the auto-renew. Not just here but lots of other websites too. Hope that helps!

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Okay, go under history, go to search, from the drop down bar select subscriptions, change the date to when you signed up, hit search. A list of any subscriptions will populate. Click details next to your active one from here. When the new page loads, scroll down to the bottom and hit cancel subscription. That should work.

Make sure you read the fine print when you sign up for something.. they always get you with the auto-renew. Not just here but lots of other websites too. Hope that helps!
I've not had it happen before that why I was ticked off, so its paypal i should be point the finger at?

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