When's Dante going to stop closing threads...

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of people that have a bone to pick with him?

What is it with this dude that he can't stand criticism? Seriously, he and his little clique of dickriders are ruining this forum with their "i'm right you're not" mentality.

The poor bastard still couldn't comprehend, after two threads which he deleted/closed and multiple replies that I can't swallow his attitude of "i can be an asshole to anyone but when someone's an asshole to me or my poor little kid I'm going to cry and close his thread boohoo".

Seriously, Dante. You have been an intolerable bag of skeptical criticism since you actively started posting again. You defend your arrogant cock behaviour. But when someone does it to you it's all wrong? Fuck off, man. Quickly closing the thread to deny me the chance to reply won't save that pathetic mug of yours. Already 80% of the board thinks you're an insufferable asshole. You're just affirming it.

And no, I won't let it rest. I will continue to make threads until you opt to open a general debate on this, ban me, or shut the fuck up. The latter option isn't feasible for someone as thick skulled as you, the second isn't really sensible, the first may be wise. But then again, you risk being slapped about with the cold glove of logic.

Bottom line, Dante: You don't want me making fucked up comments about your child? Fine, then start stopping being an asshole from now on. Treat others as.. etc etc.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
your thread broke the rules and is devoid of class. it was not witty, it was stupid.

criticize ME. don't wish death upon a fuckin' fetus. maybe when you grow up you'll learn that pregnancy is filled with just as much worry as it is joy.

diss me for whatever. i could give a shit.

edit, i'm not going to reply to your edit. you can edit all day if you want. you're clearly angry that i wasn't "owned" by you and that i blocked your msn. grow up.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
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And this copy paste job of the guidelines is relevant because?

let's face facts, Dante. The only time you'd consider anything offensive is when you or something dear to you is offended. Everything else is peaches and cream. You probably don't even have a clue how many people you've offended on this board. Now personally I don't care about offending people online, but when you dish so much out as you do, expect to take some back. While my MSN comment about your kid was misplaced and obnoxious, it reflected perfectly how you're being an asshole to people on this board for about 6 months now.

There's a certain word on my lips...something with hypo...hypocrity? hypocrisea?

Anyway, see how many people agree with me Dante...go see for yourselves how many board members are sick to their stomach of you..


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
i am a key element of the 2pac scene. what is it you do again?

if a few our blockers hate me, i could really care less. those who count are cool with me and we practice mutual support on many levels. i call it how i see it. if you don't agree then so be it. but i would never be so out of pocket as to tell someone who's pregnant wife is sitting next to him that you hope his unborn son dies. if you still think that was appropriate humor then i'd like to see you explain why.

"dante, you sensitive fuck, it was a joke." perhaps, but it's all fun and games till the white kid says nigga.

you made your point with this post and your inability to let it chill. i am closing this. those who need to can reply further as they see fit.
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