What is hip hop?


New Member
What Is Hip Hop?

Hip Hop is an art form that includes deejaying [cuttin' & scartchin'] emceeing/rappin'. breakdancing and grafitti art. These art forms as we know them today originated in the South Bronx section of New York City around the mid 1970s. Hip Hop has thrived within the subculture of Black and Puerto Rican communities in New York and is now just recently beginning to enjoy widespread exposure. From a sociological perspective, Hip Hop has been one of the main contributing factors that helped curtail gang violence due to the fact that many adults found it preferrable to channel their anger and aggressions into these art forms which eventually became the ultimate expression of one's self

Break dancing, a colorful and acrobatic style of dance which includes headspins, backspins and 'Kirk Thompson-like flairs..[long before Olympic athlete Kirk Thompson invented it], traces its roots back to the African martial arts form known as capoeta. This form of fighting was employed by revolting slaves who were brought to Brazil. No one knows for sure who was New York's first break dancer, but a group of youngsters known 'B-Boys' and original members of an organization called Zulu Nation certainly made it popular. Around the same time break dancing begain hitting the streets of New York, within the Black communities of California a style of dance known as Pop-Locking which includes strutting, moonwalking, waving and angular robot-like contortions of the body also began to take form. Movies such as 'Beat Street' and 'Breaking' have help shed light on this new type of dance.

Rapping as we know it today, saying rhymes to the beat of music was originally called emceeing. It draws its roots from the Jamaican art form known as toasting. Artist like James Brown, The Last Poets and Gil Scott Heron along with old 'dozens' rhymes and jail house jargon passed down through the years and made popular by Black activist H.Rap Brown have helped influence rap to its present form. Rap has surfaced and resurfaced under different names down through the years within Black communities of this country.

Deejaying [cuttin' and scratchin'] is the manipulation of a record over a particular groove so it produces strange sounds. This was invented by either Grand Master Flash or Grand Wizard Theodore, two popular disc jockeys from the Bronx. Herbie Hancock with his song 'Rock It' and Malcolm MacLaren's Buffalo Gals' has helped make this art form popular outside the New York City area.

written by Davey D


Well-Known Member
It has evolved to more of a culture than an artform, way to explain the elements though, even though it was very broad.


Well-Known Member
Nevertheless how much it has changed it is still a culture, maybe it went from breakdancing to the way we rock our shoes, or the way we dress, i guess most in the culture would consider that to be "Old school Hip-Hop", if that would make sense. Maybe the culture has evolved so much that it can be put into different time spans. Hip-Hop is touching more people than anything else in the world right now, i dont think it is devolving.
Remember this shit was written 20 years ago..Let this be some sort of fuckin reminder or a push to buy a book about hip hop and know where it came from.
roaches said:
I disagree. The culture has devolved, to the point that the music is all that is left.
devolved or dissolved? I'd say that the culture is still there in all it's branches, hell even here in Winnipeg there's ppl breakdancing in schools and clubs and whatnot. We just had a DJ break-off with a couple of local heros and it was nuts. I'd say its all still there, but definately not in the capacity we'd like to see? Anybody see the elements of hip-hop strong in their town?
I can understand why roaches said the culture has devolved tho.
The elements are still there but yeah it seems it's only the music ppl associate hip hop with.

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