Wat Kind of Fcukin Statement Is This>>

I was readin thru Streethop.com and saw this now wat the fuck!:

SH: Hip-Hop: If You're a White Man and Feel Like Hip-Hop Hates on You:

Posted on: Monday, December 6, 2004




The history of how non-white persons came to become subjects of the United States of America, and the history of what has happened to them since then.

If after that, you're still mad, please delete your hip-hop mp3s, give away (because we don't want you making money off of it by selling it) your hip-hop albums, stop dancing to popular music, and stop listening to it, too.

It clearly isn't for you.

Ultraselfish, over-sensitive-when-it-comes-to-your-own-self, naive, ignorant, wounded-ass crackas.


Aaron Henry Edward Anthony Daniels


S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
It's got something to do with white people who feel like Hip-Hop hates on them.

I think that has something to do with this kid posting shit about how he didn't feel comfortable with rappers hating on his color.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I never had a problem with that statement.

The truth is hip-hop was created by blacks for blacks. Doesn't mean it's purely for black people, but you have to understand the history. I also think part of that statement is tongue in cheek.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Roaches wrote it, what more can you expect? Dude is SICK.. In the good SicC kind of way but with an extra dose of literacy in place of a big dick.


Well-Known Member

i dont really see a problem with it. if you're white and feel like hiphop is hating on you, delete your mp3s and stop listening to it - that simple lol. mr harris, you mustn't be so sensitive :>

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