VIP work instantly?


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Just a quick question. Cause I purchased a VIP and it doesn't work. Last time I did, it worked right away.


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Is there any way other than paypal to pay for vip?
I talked to Rukas about it a long time ago but now Caesar is Admin here :)


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^Yeah, mail a check/money order out, I'll PM the PO Box if you're serious and as soon as its recieved, it can be activated.

linx your vip should be up now, i sent ruk a msg.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question. Cause I purchased a VIP and it doesn't work. Last time I did, it worked right away.

yeah thats what happened to me. whoever was or is in charge of doing that messed up. thats why i cancelled mine for now.

if i see that VIP will work automatically then maybe by October/November i'll re buy the VIP.


Well-Known Member
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^Yeah, mail a check/money order out, I'll PM the PO Box if you're serious and as soon as its recieved, it can be activated.

linx your vip should be up now, i sent ruk a msg.
Is there any easier method like simple money transfer?
mailing a check would take few weeks untill it'd get there.
I plan to buy a vip soon but there's no easy way for me to pay for it :/


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It works, thanks SiGh. PayPal is easy. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes to purchase shit online. I've used it for a while now and it's great. :thumb:


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yeah but here in Poland there's no way to transfer my money to my paypal account :/
Maybe if you give somebody on streethop some net-lovin'.. they will hook you up with a VIP account. Make it a good one and you'll get a VIP account for life. Otherwise you'd have to give that net-lovin' do it more than once.


Staff member
Rukas offered free VIP for life for anyone that got him Vocalign 2.9.4 or Vocalign PRO 4 both for Pro Tools on Windows XP.
do you no how hard that is to find, i have about 3 net geeks looking for it. i bet those assholes are just jacking off to porn.

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