Unjust thread closing...


New Member
BankRobber closed my thread in the Life forum entitled "would Tupac support the war in Iraq"

I even said in the post that it was meant to see what Tupac was about. By examing what he'd be like today we can learn about who he was and what he represented.
BankRobber is from the "goodfellas" who tend to be right wing dicks, and closed my thread. He knows the majority would say he'd be against it (and he would) so he closed the thread. This is censorship. He justified it by saying "who cares?"

We, as a community of fans and followers, care about what Tupac represented. This is to examine his thoughts on war and peace. This was a valid thread and it was closed because of the personal feelings of one moderator. It's disappointing and I hope it can be opened for free discussion. I feel it is valid and important, and I hope other mods can see it the same.

Thank You.




Will suck off black men for a dime
XIAN said:
BankRobber is from the "goodfellas" who tend to be right wing dicks, and closed my thread. He knows the majority would say he'd be against it (and he would) so he closed the thread. This is censorship.
u just ruined the chance of it bein reopened mayn. yeah u sure were lookin for an indepth discussion on who tupac the man was and who he'd be today :rolleyes: fuck outa here


New Member
Do you think he'd support the war? You know he wouldn't, and you don't like us talking about that, since you're for it. This is censorship. You can't close my thread cuz Tupac would disagree with you. I want to post this poll.

And how do u let "would Tupac like 50 cent" pass through and close mine? Is this war not as big an issue as Tupac liking 50 cent?

And if he was alive, and Tupac was on TV or a magazine or something talking about the war, would you just say "who cares?" and then not pay attention? No! you wouldn't. Let us discuss what he was about. That is the purpose of this board.


Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
XIAN said:
BankRobber is from the "goodfellas" who tend to be right wing dicks, and closed my thread.
ahhahhahaahahahhahahaha i cant believe i missed this

okay, so if you had started a thread saying "2pac would love president Bush and support the war", you think i wouldn't close that?

in all honesty, what are you trying to accomplish here?

XIAN said:
Do you think he'd support the war? You know he wouldn't, and you don't like us talking about that, since you're for it. This is censorship. You can't close my thread cuz Tupac would disagree with you. I want to post this poll.

And how do u let "would Tupac like 50 cent" pass through and close mine? Is this war not as big an issue as Tupac liking 50 cent?

And if he was alive, and Tupac was on TV or a magazine or something talking about the war, would you just say "who cares?" and then not pay attention? No! you wouldn't. Let us discuss what he was about. That is the purpose of this board.

is this West Africa? you seem to hold a deep grudge against me that goes beyond closing a silly thread
Yea , why did his thread get closed...?

Why are some mods worse then the Police in this place... danm man u guys need 2 chill let Xian warrior princess ask the questions he wants....

I dont beleive that thread should be closed , i mean a jossy thread 4 sure but danm all this kid wants 2 kno is what ppl think 2pacs stand would be ...
i think the main point in Bank Robber closing the thread was that "what if" threads are stupid.He's just trying to make people realize that we shouldn't have them. It's nothing personal.
bigmack said:
i think the main point in Bank Robber closing the thread was that "what if" threads are stupid.He's just trying to make people realize that we shouldn't have them. It's nothing personal.
that is up to the individual, I like to project 2pac into todays time, and try and think what he would say about it.

just like many people wonder what Jesus would do, or when you say MLK would be rolling in his grave.

That is one of the reasons I love Tupac, his music made people ponder what was going on in the real world.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
in all honesty, i would've re-opened the thread if he hadn't thrown in that "right winged dick" comment, which showed he isn't mature enough to have a real political discussion

if rukas/sicc/dante/whoever else is a mod wants to reopen it then they can go ahead but i myself am not going to give in


New Member
Think_ThuGLiFE said:
Yea , why did his thread get closed...?

Why are some mods worse then the Police in this place... danm man u guys need 2 chill let Xian warrior princess ask the questions he wants....

I dont beleive that thread should be closed , i mean a jossy thread 4 sure but danm all this kid wants 2 kno is what ppl think 2pacs stand would be ...

yeah thanx for the support but what's this "warrior princess" and "jossy" shit? I gaurantee Pac would be speaking about the war today. And the young fans need to know what he thought to know what he's about. This is how his legacy will live on, by putting his thoughts and beliefs into current events. This is how people examine Jesus and other philosophers. "What if" are the most important threads.

And I ain't a kid, kid I've been here longer than all of u ^ son.

in all honesty, i would've re-opened the thread if he hadn't thrown in that "right winged dick" comment, which showed he isn't mature enough to have a real political discussion
But no really I'm just saying the truth. How else could u let the 50 cent thread go and take mine, about one of the most important events of the last few decades, off? And just cuz i said "right wing dick's" ur gonna keep it closed? That's censorship! By taking my thread down, u were being a dick. That's real. And u are for the war, right? Check my posts in WOW and see me handle a "real political discussion."

Someone open this thread this is sad and unfair if u don't...

^^^^ good, don reopen it. No one cares wut tupac wud do now, And if u rilly care invent a time machine go back in time and ask him, cuz us talkin bout it isnt gunna go newhere, itll jus make u wonder more. And this thread shud be closed to, u told him ur not reopenin it, thas that

(reply to Bank Robber)
XIAN said:
We, as a community of fans and followers, care about what Tupac represented. This is to examine his thoughts on war and peace. This was a valid thread and it was closed because of the personal feelings of one moderator. It's disappointing and I hope it can be opened for free discussion. I feel it is valid and important, and I hope other mods can see it the same.
I think it is to do with the way you pose the question. You presented the thread was as if you were asking ill-qualified people to speculate about Tupac's opinion on something which they are in no position to offer an answer to, know what I mean? So that the question really does become as irrelevant as: do you think he would he have liked Jared from Subway (which was kinda funny of BR, lol).

Whereas perhaps a more constructive way of raising the topic would be to ask about Tupac's ideas on a broader subject matter - war and having regard those opinions, question for yourself whether they are reconcilable to the war on Iraq.... that way it is less reliant on one's own opinion, whilst being more conducive to representing what tupac was about.

Perhaps that doesnt seem entirely different to your initial intent in opening the thread... but on a board where everyone has a strong opinion, it is the way you present a question that often determines whether people are going to be able to respond meaningfully or get hot headed and subjective in their answers (which is probably all that bank robber was trying to prevent in closing the thread).

In any case, I think it is good that people want to ask questions about what tupac represented as opposed to bs threads like, what's your mamas favourite tupac song... lol.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
XIAN said:
But no really I'm just saying the truth. How else could u let the 50 cent thread go and take mine, about one of the most important events of the last few decades, off? And just cuz i said "right wing dick's" ur gonna keep it closed? That's censorship! By taking my thread down, u were being a dick. That's real. And u are for the war, right? Check my posts in WOW and see me handle a "real political discussion."

Someone open this thread this is sad and unfair if u don't...

1-it was my bad on not closing that 50 thread, i overlooked it

2-by generalizing me as a right wing dick, that doesn't show much for your socialism. once the first "right wing dick" enters your thread and makes a response you dont like, how can we expect you to not cry childish insults at them as well?

i dont have the time to go and read all your posts in words of wisdom but that doesn't matter now that I've gotten a bad first impression of you calling me a dick because im in the goodfellas (seriously, what kind of ignorant generalization is that?)

3-its just a thread, get over it and move on with your life


New Member
I think that by talking about current things we are examing what he was about. His message was much more than music. He wanted you to take something away from it. We should be able to freely talk about it.

This is way different than "would Tupac like 50 cent" which they unfairly let slide. And three pages worth of people replied, so I guess that means they want to talk about "what if's."

And i have no personal vendetta against anyone. I just think this is unjust. "Who cares" is not a valid reason to close a thread. And since you didn't close the 50 cent thread, you obviously thought that was a valid topic while mine was (for some reason) not.


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