uk peep help snoop manchester 2nite


New Member
HI peeps
driving down from middlesbrough 2 manchester l8r on 2day 2 c Snoop, am in the all standing section so am hoping i can get near the front
from the people who r going or have been to similar events what is the best time for me to aim to be at the arena for 2 get in and get a good spot????
Still dont have a clue where am gona b parking eeek
should be a good day can't wait :thumb:
Thanks for the help in advance :cool:
oh yeah n DJ Quik should be there 2 was at the nottingham concert n dropped a freestyle, think he's dj'ing, damn wanting 2 c Quik as much as Snoop or Game :thumb:
Please reply about times for me getting to the arena, Thanks

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