Traz Jackers.


Well-Known Member
As you see in the has been forum the only way Traz can feel good about themselves is to live in the past. "Hey! lets fill our forum up with old threads because we have three members and we are nobody has beens". So they have to relive the past cause their glory days are long gone. We might as well get the victory. Traz Jackers for the win.

Traz Jackers Blast.

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


Well-Known Member
besides what have they done but bring up old threads and one of their members but a cock in his avatar
we made a couple of new ones. with that in mind, i want to ask you, what did the traz jackers do.. except make a couple new threads?

yeah, you say you have all these behind-the-scenes plans. rather wrongfully presumptuous of you to automatically think the opposite is true for us. which means your post is nothing but blind hate. what are you trying to achieve? run a few more members off the forums to give it that extra.. spark?


Well-Known Member
there are two sides of me. the one that wants to give you a serious response to that, and the one that wants to laugh it off. i will spare your rE-putation and laugh it off.

Traz Jackers Blow


Dying Breed
Staff member
Traz Jackers blast is lame though Puff. We all know who your crew is, we all know you don't like traz, so do the board a favor and drop the moniker because its dumb as shit puff.

Other than that I can not wait to see what you guys are going to do, but I have a feeling I will be let down by both sides to be honest once this contest kicks off, cuase so far nothing has been funny from either side, mostly just annoying.



Well-Known Member
you dont like it, others do sicc. some people see the joke, some dont, i dont think you do. i think are upset that we are out to piss off your little e-buddy, your gilligan, eric.

we all know you are working with traz to sabotage the events in their favor


Well-Known Member
It doesn't piss me off, it's just annoying and pointless.

Fair enough, I won't give you more attention and I'll let you fade into darkness.


Well-Known Member
oh but i have proof of you being pissed off by this. do i need to post our conversations from aim? call it pointless if you want but obviously the point has been successful. just look at your rant in your traz forum for evidence.


Dying Breed
Staff member
How can i swing this i think this whole thing is retarded. As i said i don't want anything to do with this. Its become boring and annoying already.

Its true intent was to be funny but so far both sides have done nothing thats even remotly funny. Hell if anything, it seems some of you ladies are starting to take this shit personally.

Just becuase I like eric doesnt mean im going to get all pissy that some idiots on a internet board is dissing him, People diss him daily on here I could care less.



Dying Breed
Staff member
I removed preaches image by the way so please dont edit peoples posts in the forum.

Well I hope it does get funny puff cuase im really let down by both teams.


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