Today I fell in love with A Long Hot Summer.


New Member
I have a habit for sleeping on Albums and today when I was bored off my ass, I came across this in my Windows Media Player. This is the best produced Album of 2004 without a doubt..
A Long Hot Summer is a very good Hip Hop Album, makes me want to hear more of Masta Ace's solo shit.. Anyone got a reccomendation?


Staff member
I fell in love with it too, when it was still a hot summer. :)

A Croatian dude actually produced the best beat on the album, Beautiful. FlipMo should be proud.

By the way, did you figure out Soda and Soap?


VIP Member
Staff member
I am proud mother fucker. lol. You should too. You may not be Cro, but your Balkan. In the end we're all bros. I'd feel the same way If I saaw a Serb blow up in the game.

Anyways, yes, it's a great album. Best I've heard in a long time, but for sure best of 2004. Sadly, it's slept on by mainstream media. If the mainstream world hyped this like they hyped 50's garbage 'Massacre' we'd be living in a different time for consious rap. Anyways, that's not happening, anytime soon.



New Member
Shit, get any Ace album, all 5 is tha fuckin' shit. Sittin' On Chrome is my least favorite but it's still tha shit. My fav is probably Slaughtahouse, Disposable Arts fuckin' rules, too.
is it like a lot of laid back summer time beats...such as the beats on 2/3 of aziatic (wanna be there, the essence, welcome back (intro), a1 performance, etc) or wut....please im thinking of goin to buy this today someone explain this cd to me


New Member
Shit is just a straight summertime story, you got everything from city life, showin' love, bein' on da grind, love for tha hood, beautiful surroundings, fuck the world shit, some good feelin' laid back shit, some street shit, some love shit, some ho fuckin' shit, some music industry shit, some deep thought shit, some party shit. Album is just straight classic.


Staff member
FlipMo said:
I am proud mother fucker. lol. You should too. You may not be Cro, but your Balkan. In the end we're all bros. I'd feel the same way If I saaw a Serb blow up in the game.

That is very true. I am proud. I tried to look him up, Coolaid Croatia, I think that's his name, but didn't find much.
i know this is an old topic, but i gotta say that i saw alot of people talkin about this so i got it today and wow its already one of my fav albums, thanks alot to everyone who talked about this shit
Definetly one of the Best if not THE BEST album of the year ........ and the Beautiful beat is fuckin amazing i couldnt get over that song the first time i heard it and i still cant.

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