

The One, The Only
After months of being away i randomly got back on the forum to suss it out. Now i know i'm not an active member of this forum anymroe.. but i thought i'd just give some advice quickly about the look and feel of the forum at the moment..

- The latest healdines bit on the side is really annoying.. plus it congests the forum space

- signatures are too big. A good tip will be make the sizes smaller and the font a bit grayer so it blends into the back ground a bit. Right now it's just italic shit..

- pictures in signatures are congesting up the site..

anyway.. members..
give some tips on improving the forum.


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Staff member
The headlines, I think stand out fine.

The signatures were fine, up until 24 hours ago, it got big again due to a mishap, it'll be fixed soon.

The pictures in the signature thing, there was a vote on it I believe and majority of them wanted it..

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
After months of being away i randomly got back on the forum to suss it out. Now i know i'm not an active member of this forum anymroe.. but i thought i'd just give some advice quickly about the look and feel of the forum at the moment..

- The latest healdines bit on the side is really annoying.. plus it congests the forum space

- signatures are too big. A good tip will be make the sizes smaller and the font a bit grayer so it blends into the back ground a bit. Right now it's just italic shit..

- pictures in signatures are congesting up the site..

anyway.. members..
give some tips on improving the forum.
- The headlines are in the same place as they were when you left

- as sigh said

- pictures are for VIPs only.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You can turn the pix in the sigs off. (That's what I did) They are annoying.

The sigs do blend in with the rest but I think that's supposed to be fixed.

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