Tight track: Slug ft. Murs, Eligh, PSC & Sunspot Jonz


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I dunno, man. anyone can confirm this? slug & murs album? whats it called if it exists?

i dont even know where i got this track from :D

i posted a topic a while ago enquiring about the "album" (dont know if its an album or not) on which this is. I dl'd a bunch of tracks from the "atmosphere" album "homework. volume 1". but atmosphere hasnt got an album like that and most tracks is Slug feat. other dudes. plus an other dude said he found a track of it on a different album (from All Natural).

so i have no idea really where i got this from. it's tight, though :thumb:

ill upload two more of my fav. tracks from this bunch
I got that all natural album...Vintage

Ik heb dat album van all natural voor je...volgens mij vroeg je of iemand die lijst mensen die je noemde kenden...nouwz ik heb da album dus check www.ughh.com voor de samples peace
Hm...ja dat is mn username for soulseek ik zal hem er straks op mn pc zetten als je me aan je lijst toevoegd op soulseek moet het goed komen...misschien niet straks anders morgen wel en ik kom uit Den Haag woon nu in Leidschendam :eek:
GhettoStar said:
should have popsted this in the right forum (underground railroad)
shit will get ignored...Ya know tracks like this should maybe be posted in streethop maybe some will try to give it a listen...the topics that are meant for actual underground heads should go 2 the underground railroad cuz once in a while ppl post their info in that...Thats what I do...Its up the ppl wth lol power on this board to decide where my threads go to...


Well-Known Member
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GhettoStar said:
should have popsted this in the right forum (underground railroad)
yeah, and the people who will listen to it will know these cats and will appreciate it and its all good.

but i posted it in the mainstream forum to give people who normally dont check this shit a listen.
one mc on dj said:
shit will get ignored...Ya know tracks like this should maybe be posted in streethop maybe some will try to give it a listen...the topics that are meant for actual underground heads should go 2 the underground railroad cuz once in a while ppl post their info in that...Thats what I do...Its up the ppl wth lol power on this board to decide where my threads go to...

whatever, just was saying that would have been a great gem for the underground forum but long as it gets heard I guess its cool man
if you guys picked up the re-release of the headshots: se7en mixtape... felt 2 is coming this summer, this time with ant on beats

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