Thread Closed Without Due Reason


Well-Known Member

This thread was an informative read that opened the door for intelligent debate, but was closed simply because the mod was tired of seeing Bush threads.

I think it should be re-opened for the simple fact that could advance social awareness.

There was no freeposting, there was no beef, and there was nothing that warranted it being closed.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
next time, just reply to the other bush threads instead of making a new one

i gotta agree with whoever closed it, bush threads get tiring and making more than one is a waste of space


Well-Known Member
^ So you're going to disregard all the information I provided and chance for an intelligent conversation (something that all you complain about this board lacking) in favor of "space"?

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
It's amazing because THA WILD and I both tried to close it at the same time but he beat me to it.

The reason is because there was a thread already like Bank Robber said. Feel free to copy and paste the info on to the other thread.


Well-Known Member
saltynuts said:
It's amazing because THA WILD and I both tried to close it at the same time but he beat me to it.

The reason is because there was a thread already like Bank Robber said. Feel free to copy and paste the info on to the other thread.
this time i was the one who got to it before ya

i still think that that info deserved it's own it's just going to get passed over rather than hopefully enlightening some people
saltynuts said:
It's amazing because THA WILD and I both tried to close it at the same time but he beat me to it.

The reason is because there was a thread already like Bank Robber said. Feel free to copy and paste the info on to the other thread.
I didn't make any attempt to close it. I happened upon that thread only after it was closed.

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