thoughts on Dilated Peoples?


New Member
anyone else like some of their songs?
i thought neighborhood watch was a pretty good album, expansion team wasn't bad either.
meh not my fav but i bump some of the songs from time to time
imo neighbourhood watch was not a good album overall but def had some cool songs


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Staff member
I've always been a fan of Dialated Peoples. Their albums are nice. Worst Comes To Worse is a good song indeed.


Well-Known Member
"Work the Angles" = backpacker classic.

I don't like a lot of the rest of their stuff. "Poisonous" off of their last album was dope.

I think Evidence is a dope producer (looking forward to his joint with Planet Asia), Babu is nice as hell on the ones and twos, and Rakaa is a pretty good MC.

They're probably better than Lootpack.


New Member
I got Expansion Team and Neighborhood Watch. Expansion team is dope shit, Worst Comes To Worst is tha best track on there. They got dope shit.

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