"The Tsunami Song"

I see some of you making requests and some of you posting all these threads about "The Tsunami Song" so here it is....(all the information you need about the song)

Petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/tsunmai7/petition.html

Interview of Jim speaking on it: Click here.

Jin's response to the Tsunami Song: Click here

The Hot97 Radio Show on The Tsunami Song: Click here.

For the last week New York's Hot 97 has been running a hideously unfunny and offensive skit named the "Tsunami Song," that ridicules the victims of the Tsunami as "chinks" whose children will now be sold into child slavery. It's being played on the station's morning show, hosted by Miss Jones.

Here are some choice lyrics:

"..All at once you could hear the screaming chinks
and no one was safe from the wave
there were africans drowning, little chinamen swept away
you could hear god laughing, "swim you bitches swim"
So now you're screwed, it's the Tsunami
you better run or kiss your ass away, go find your mommy
I just saw her float by, a tree went through her head
and now the children will be sold to child slavery..."
good, fuck her and the radio station, racist bitch can go suck a big dick, making fun of people like that is fucking sick, what the hell made them do it? is it because she got her ass beat before the song, and felt she could only do herself good by mocking 1000's of people's REAL problem? well whatever it is, she needs to be hanged, and have a public seeing, and they can all piss on the fucking bitches corpse, FUCK MISS JONES! AND HOT 97!

hell, if she jumped in the water, the bitch could cause another Tsunami
man i clicked that "The Hot97 Radio Show on The Tsunami Song"

and it said

OOOOOOOOooooops the page you were looking for is GONE BYE BYE. Try again sucka!

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