The Truth

Hey Rukus,

I'm sure you're getting lots of emails about hitem up. What do you
want the people still their to do?


Spam them to hell with links to the news story on _Domain/3383/ will be back shortly with a new forum which will be
posted on that link too.

Just keep the faith, keep everyone together. Those who ride for us now
so to speak, will be rewarded when we get the new board up and the
domain back. Trust me.

Get me your MSN too.

Thanks for the support. Spread the word.
- Show quoted text -

President of StreetHop Entertainment

Your number 1 source for urban entertainment information:

Hey Mike,

I already got banned about 3 times and I'm having alot of trouble even
using proxies to get into the forum. I'm also banned on the
unofficial official forum aswell.


I've been going to the IRC channel on efnet since I don't use MSN. My
nick their is ATI_RAGE_
Hey Mike,

I hope all is well. I want to thank you and Jon for making me a
"Street Soldier".

Yet, I am unable to accept the title and would like to resign it. I
frankly was going to inform you on IRC when we chatted that I would
not want any rewards or anything, but it skipped my mind.

What I did was not more than anyone else did or is doing. My being
more internet savvy allowed me to do more things to help. I did it
for fun since it was a good chance for me to run wild without any real

Further more I cannot and will not accept anything for free, since
others have spent money on VIP memberships, and all I did was spam a
forum. I personally feel as if that is unfair to them, hence my
conscience will not allow it.

I understand that other members have tried to resign their title with
no success, I understand that you talked them out of it, which I
commend you for, yet I have made up my mind on the issue, and wish
just to be like any other regular board member.

Thank you for your help and understanding


The point of the soldiers is to give people an extra sence of pride in
the board and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger,
which you are.

I will be selecting all the new mods from the Soldiers, as well as new
staff for the sites.

I wish you would re consider.

I have removed access to the VIP forum for the soldiers, to be fair to
people who have paid.

I understand that you want to make users feel as if they are part of
the Hitemup community, and I already know that I am part of that
community, aswell as is every other user of the board. I do not need
any special status or title to tell me that I am part of the board, so
Mike I'd appreciate it if you accept my resignation.

Once again let me thank you for everything, and I will continue to
help as seen fit.

Thank You

Hey Mike,

Not sure if you got my email, but I still want to resign the "Street
Soldier" title.

Will you accept a mod spot?

Once again I thank you for that oppurtunity aswell, but I must
respectfully decline.

You just reported 13 posts to me, and you dont want to be a mod?
Absolutely not, I report them because this guy is breaking the rules
and if I was a moderator I would be biased. I don't involve myself in
situations where I could be a biased arbitrater of justice, I take
that stuff seriously.


First off let me apologize, for my actions. My being banned I will
honor, and will not come back, that's fine.

I think in the end I was frustrated that frankly you did not allow me
to resign privately, then when people in an obvious way try to insult
me mods would not do anything about it, instead they move the threads,
because they agree with it.

I have no hard feelings, and thank you for everything.


------------------------------- Thats right I turned down a mod spot even yesterday


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
TruthSayer said:
My being banned I will
honor, and will not come back, that's fine.
Guess that was a lie huh?

Here let me paste in what I just emailed you to keep people up to date with your little drama.

"From what I was told, you gave as good as you got with whatever his name was, I asked you both to dead the beef.

And you were no longer a street soldier at the time of you posting
your password."
Rukas said:
Guess that was a lie huh?

Here let me paste in what I just emailed you to keep people up to date with your little drama.

"From what I was told, you gave as good as you got with whatever his name was, I asked you both to dead the beef.

And you were no longer a street soldier at the time of you posting
your password."

Only to set the record straight. And yes sir I was still a street soldier at the time I posted it. Only after by a bit was the title gone.

In addition how did I give it? I did not make threads saying what is wrong with XXXX did I? If so can you find them? Show me one post where I insulted the other person. You will NOT find one. Why? Because I followed the rules, where in the rules does it say you cannot give out your own information? It does not. Rukas you don't even know the rules to a site that you're supposed to enforce the rules to.

Edit: I guess you don't bother to look for yourself, if people told you to jump off a bridge bet you would do it.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
TruthSayer said:
Only to set the record straight. And yes sir I was still a street soldier at the time I posted it. Only after by a bit was the title gone.

In addition how did I give it? I did not make threads saying what is wrong with XXXX did I? If so can you find them? Show me one post where I insulted the other person. You will NOT find one. Why? Because I followed the rules, where in the rules does it say you cannot give out your own information? It does not. Rukas you don't even know the rules to a site that you're supposed to enforce the rules to.

Edit: I guess you don't bother to look for yourself, if people told you to jump off a bridge bet you would do it.

Nope you werent a street soldier.
Its obviously against the rules to give out a pass which you think leads to a protected area of the board, that is common sence and if you cant see that, that stupidity alone was deservent enough of your ban.

Luckily you werent a Street Soldier at the time of posting that thread, even though possible your user title said you were becuase that wasnt updated till later. So its all fine. But your account was used to post porn, although when I ran an IP check you were the only one using any of your IPs... Hmmmm...

I have mods to tell me who is breaking the guidelines, I dont have time to look through everything alone, especially bullshit like the two of you posted. When a mod tells me you're fucking around, I have no reason to not believe them. That is their job.

Now get lost.
Rukas said:
Nope you werent a street soldier.
Its obviously against the rules to give out a pass which you think leads to a protected area of the board, that is common sence and if you cant see that, that stupidity alone was deservent enough of your ban.

Luckily you werent a Street Soldier at the time of posting that thread, even though possible your user title said you were becuase that wasnt updated till later. So its all fine. But your account was used to post porn, although when I ran an IP check you were the only one using any of your IPs... Hmmmm...

I have mods to tell me who is breaking the guidelines, I dont have time to look through everything alone, especially bullshit like the two of you posted. When a mod tells me you're fucking around, I have no reason to not believe them. That is their job.

Now get lost.

Their is no passwords to the Street Soldier forum, it's based off of the user ID.

Ok so since I was not a Street Soldier, it shouldn't have mattered, I had no access.

Hence why was I banned? Because I gave out my regular user ID password?
TruthSayer said:
Their is no passwords to the Street Soldier forum, it's based off of the user ID.

Ok so since I was not a Street Soldier, it shouldn't have mattered, I had no access.

Hence why was I banned? Because I gave out my regular user ID password?

"Junior" are you going to respond?
I guess Rukas can't explain why he had to ban me other than things didn't work out the way he wanted. So instead of him saying it he sends people to do his bidding.

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