Film & TV The Sopranos - something I noticed


Well-Known Member
This show makes heavy use of symbolism:

So i'm watching season 6 again, and after Chrissy dies, there is that cat lingering around Satriales, which is constantly "staring" at Chrissy's portrait hung up on the wall.

Paulie mentions this, and Tony shrugs it off by saying "theres probably a mouse behind the wall" or something to that effect.

Maybe I'm reaching but could this whole cat thing staring @ Chrissy indicate that Chrissy was actually a rat?


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I have to rewatch every season. There is so much symbolism in it, that you can't notice it the first time around. A lot of it also, apparently, points out that Tony does die when that screen goes black.

You make a good point about Chrissy though, ever thought about it.


Well-Known Member
This show is just amazing beyond belief. The characters.. plot.. dialogue.. It's just amazing. Perfectly crafted.

I'm not happy that Chrissy died though. Everything in the last few episodes is just so morbid and depressing.

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