The Rise And Fall of The Source

Hey guys i was browsing around the internet yesterday and did a story of former editor of the source his name is Reginald Dennis. This story I warn you all is a longggggggggggg read but it's very interesting stuff in it like the back ground of the source and benzinos involvement with it. It's a great read imo it's very long but if u got the time check it out. The guy also discussed stuff that happened in the source awards in 94-95, mic ratings ect....everything you'd probably wanna know. I was shocked about what he said about Suge Knight at the Source awards in 95 and you guys know what happened that night.....I got to head out it's my 21th birthday today [the legel drinking age :D :thumb: ] and i'm going out to red lobster to eat so i'll drop my thoughts later after i finishing reading the third part but it's a great read though.....LONG ASS HELL like i said but check it out if you want... just copy the links to each article to view...peace

DX EXCLUSIVE: The Rise & Fall of The Source, as told by former Editor Reginald Dennis; for the first and last time.

Part 1

Part 2; Benzino's Hostile Takeover
After threatening to start "puttin' niggas in bodybags," it wasn't long before Benzino became the puppet master of The S...

Part 3; Mays, Benzino, and a Gun
"Ray locked the two of them in Dave’s office and lovingly placed a pistol to the side of Dave’s head."
The highlight of the night was when A Tribe Called Quest came out on stage. They were either going to perform or present an award, I can’t remember which, but as soon as Q-Tip opened his mouth to do what they were going to do – a music cue blasted through the speakers and Tupac and his crew rushed on stage and began performing. Everyone was stunned, was it a mistake or was it on purpose? And as soon as ‘Pac finished his song, he screamed, “Fuck y’all!” to the audience, slammed the mic to the ground and vanished backstage just as quickly as he appeared. Everyone had the same thought: did Tupac just dis Quest? Next thing you know all these Zulu Nation cats are on stage and one dude is threatening ‘Pac, for disrespecting their Zulu comrades. I started looking for the emergency exit. I was like, yeah — now this is The Source Awards!

LOL! You know what? I always had a audio MTV clip of them talkin about this (Pac rushing on stage while the Tribe onstage performing). They even thought that Pac was dissing Q-Tip. Then I saw the performance on the Source Awards DVD. Now I know the story behind it. :D
And speaking of Source Awards, here’s something that you might find interesting. Did you ever wonder why Suge called out Puffy during the 1995 broadcast? Well a couple of Source staffers were hanging out at the venue during the rehearsals when Biggie and later Suge happened to wander by. Biggie began to voice his displeasure about being on Bad Boy and was talking about possibly making a change. Suge told him that he would be happy to have him at Death Row and that they should talk about how they could make that happen. And that’s how the whole mess started.” :eek: :D

That was one the highlights imo....Suge was not starting beef with badboy he was out recruiting ROFL :D
damn i have never even been on this site before, i just read a ton of articles on there, and every single one of them was real talk, insightful shit, this is the type of shit ive always wanted to read. thanks alot man, rep rep rep
jaguardre said:
damn i have never even been on this site before, i just read a ton of articles on there, and every single one of them was real talk, insightful shit, this is the type of shit ive always wanted to read. thanks alot man, rep rep rep
Thanks for the rep. I've seen that site for years they always posting up articles as a matter of fact that's the same site that posted up the e-mails between royce and proof when they were beefing back then. It's a good site they got different articles up all the time.

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