The Games a SELL OUT


New Member
He sold us out man, you have no idea how long we waited for his concert, and the day finally comes (march 7th). The day goes by soo fucking slow, i leave last block just so we could leave early to the town over (where the concert was) only to find out its been postponed and they dont know if its on or not. "TOO MUCH DRAMA" WHAT THE FUCK I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING.THANKS GAME GOOD WAY TO GET SUPPORT FROM US!!!


New Member
oh fuck eh. thats shit. hes suppose to come to St.Catharines on the 17th, i hope he still shows. It'd be fucked if he cancelled all his canadian shows.
The Game In Vancouver CANCELLED - March 6, 2005 By : Adon
The Game had a show sheduled this Tuesday March 8th in Vancouver. The show has now been cancelled. Here's the official statement from the promoters:

"In the 12 years in which Gman & Rizk have been doing events, the 8 years that spectrum has been doing events, and the 8 years in which Tigerstone has been doing events, none of us have ever cancelled or postponed a show unless an artist-related health matter or family emergency suddenly arose. In regards to The Game, we confirmed a show for March 8th at Plush. He subsequently postponed our date until April 3rd, a new date he confirmed with us. From there just a few days later, he asked us to switch back to March 3, and re-confirmed our original date, all the while inconveniencing not only ourselves, but our media sponsor The Beat 94.5, our retail sponsor Dipt Urban Hookups, and you the fans. Today, we were once again asked to move the date. We've developed thick skin over the years as promoters - we've dealt with countless problems, most of them we solved without you the consumer even knowing. We've been able to work through problem-ridden events with no one but ourselves being inconvenienced - but, always, we fixed what needed fixing and gave you what we promised. With regards to this show, literally everyone involved was and is getting inconvenienced with the sudden changes in dates and we have not been given reasons we find acceptable. We have the option of confirming April 3rd once again, but we choose to no longer put you, our loyal supporters through yet another date change. The word "confirmed" is not being taken seriously enough by The Game for our liking, and we wish to not put you through the roller-coaster ride any more. We have chosen to cancel The Game concert altogether and as a result we will be eating the costs of radio ads, print advertising, etc., whereas you will all be entitled to your full refund at point of purchase. Had we chose to re-confirm April 3, there existed a chance of yet another sudden date change not related to a health matter of family emergency. You deserve better. That said, we hope that you see this clearly as a matter that was out of our control, one we tried to work through. And we hope that you will continue to support Gman, Rizk, spectrum, and Tigerstone as we have been working and will continue to work hard at providing you with THE BEST urban-music events this city has ever experienced.

Yours Sincerely

Gman & Rizk - spectrum events -Tigerstone Entertainment"
Mist said:
^^^ the one in kelowna, the van got cancelled already i heard
maybe its cause all you motherfuckers keep killin yaselfs out there

or maybe the promoters/club owners didnt want violence at their venues?

all i know is if it fucks up the le skratch show on the 23rd im gonna be right back here complaining abouit the same shit
every think its because of all the shit happenin in NY, like a shooting for instance. isnt Canada strict on lettin people in? didnt DMX or Ja get held up coming to perform? they postponed the tickets being sold in EDM for sure
kelowna thats b.c damn i wish he came to montreal as it is i missed y/b and to be honest as much as the crowd was stupid as fuck i still would have loved to go..
well i could say that really sucks especially to cancel it all together but man he probably didnt want the hassle of getting shit thrown at him or be provoked to punch somebody(spund familair) and risk a fine or jail time(if its even enforced)probably thinks too much shit would happen here so he skipped it all together to be on the safe side.


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Staff member
pacaveli just to let you know THE GAME IS COMING TO MONTREAL

march 26th or 23rd to the DOME so well yea its going to be a hell of a concert

young buck was here about 2 weeks ago he rock the shit out of the show

anyway piz

FlipMo said:
pacaveli just to let you know THE GAME IS COMING TO MONTREAL

march 26th or 23rd to the DOME so well yea its going to be a hell of a concert

young buck was here about 2 weeks ago he rock the shit out of the show

anyway piz

i know anton your brother invited me....didn't go though but i regret it somewhat...

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