The Game says G-Unit is done by 2006

This message was from Game himself on his own website about everything going on in his life: Thanx for all the love & support yall been showin' me since day one. We've all been here since this site 1st hit the net holdin' it down so fuck the haters & mothafucka's like 50 & Suge who mad cause I'm climbin' amongst Hip Hop's elite !!! If you didn't already notice, G-Unit Ooops I meant G-Unot is headed downhill as was Murder Inc when 50 stated Ja was singin', Now his faggot ass is singin' & what goes around comes around !!! Hate It Or Love It the underdogs on top ! There is absoloutly nothing they can do to beat 300 bars & G-Unot is the funniest shit since Richard Pryor so fuck them !!! Let that mixtape sink in between the ass cheeks, fuckin' faggots !!! Bleek is finished, Buddens is finished, the Young Guns never started, G-Unit will be finished before 2006, Yayo will flop & Olivia is still & will always be a man, Oh' & I hope Suge burns in hell for all the lives he's endangered. Hurricane aint scared, 1.

I had read that message over at the Ill Community at They didnt say anything about it being, they it was from the BWS forum - it might be real.
man suge need to calm the fuck down sometimes man... nobody wanna do businese if he keep startin shit with ppl...seriously....eastwood said it too..
ok it is not fake im on tha bws forum.his nam eon their is hurricane game and it said site admin.hold on 1 sec

Author Message
< The Game News ~ Hurricane Speaks Out !
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:28 am


Joined: 02 Apr 2005
Posts: 408

Thanx for all the love & support yall been showin' me since day one. We've all been here since this site 1st hit the net holdin' it down so fuck the haters & mothafucka's like 50 & Suge who mad cause I'm climbin' amongst Hip Hop's elite !!! If you didn't already notice, G-Unit Ooops I meant G-Unot is headed downhill as was Murder Inc when 50 stated Ja was singin', Now his faggot ass is singin' & what goes around comes around !!! Hate It Or Love It the underdogs on top ! There is absoloutly nothing they can do to beat 300 bars & G-Unot is the funniest shit since Richard Pryor so fuck them !!! Let that mixtape sink in between the ass cheeks, fuckin' faggots !!! Bleek is finished, Buddens is finished, the Young Guns never started, G-Unit will be finished before 2006, Yayo will flop & Olivia is still & will always be a man, Oh' & I hope Suge burns in hell for all the lives he's endangered. Hurricane aint scared, 1.

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game did another announcement too did u read this one?

Hi i am the game....i swear im tupac especially on that track cocaine.....being blood makes me cool cause i cant come up with my own shit....oh and i had to copy someone elses group name and named my group "blackwalstreet" the same thing 50 cent did. But im cooler....i never really liked gunit...but i sucked gunits dick for about three years and a half....and now that 50 cent is sick of me suckin his rock hard cock i hate gunit....

Here's a another message from Game from BWS:
Khakis & Chuckz is to M.O.B. what Hurricane is to Game. I hate when people twist my interviews up. And as far as being scared of Suge, Fuck Suge !!! Now what the fuck the haters gone come up with next ???
None of this shit is fake, Game is really talkin shit about Suge. You know its about that confrontation they had. I remember when Game usta praise the hell out of Suge in most of his songs....and, now its come to this.
i remember streethop or allhiphop said game wuz likely 2 be tha next fallen rapper or sumshit like that if he continued tha way he wuz goin.not good fuckin wit suge tho.dat nigga can do wut ever he wants 2.

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