The Further Adventures of Lord Quas - Opinions?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of this album?

I read a lot of positive reviews and I loved The Unseen so I bought it the day it was released without listening to it first. It still hasn't been in regular rotation. I don't like the sound of a lot of beats (ie. Hydrant Game, Players of the Game, Maingirl). A lot of Madlib's rapping as Quasi is off-beat to the point where it just sounds shitty. A lot of the songs sound disjointed, the voice samples interrupt the song rather than blend in which makes the songs sound like skits rather than actual songs. Technically the beats are good, the samples are put together well but after a while they get annoying as fuck. There is too much going on, a simple loop wouldn't have hurt.
One thing I really liked about the Quasimoto character is that the music mostly sounded blunted, which is missing on this album as well.

Is it just me or does anyone else dislike this album? I put the album on every now and then to try and appreciate it but every time I just end up disliking it.

(Players of the Game is one of the most annoying songs I've ever heard.)


Well-Known Member
I liked "Bus Ride" and "Seasons Change" off of the promo a lot, don't remember the rest of the album too well. I don't remember disliking it, though. I don't think his heart was in the album - he's obviously more interested in the Sound Drections/YNQ stuff. Madlib's good at making hip-hop beats, but I think The Unseen was a happy accident and he felt pressure to try to recreate it when he obviously just wants to fade into the background and do his own thing. I feel like he passed the torch to Oh No.

7 Syns

Well-Known Member
I had a chance to hear it today for the first time and I thought it was reasonably ripe effort. It wasn't really something i'd hear constantly, it did lack replay value and at times I felt certain songs were purposely made to annoy you.

But I guess if you're a fan then it's worth adding to your collection. Offnote, this is the first time Ive heard a full length 'Quasi' LP. Whats good?


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