The Clipse


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Note: During our various upgrades over the years certain interviews have been "misplaced." We are now adding them back to our archives. This interview was first published on April 19, 2002. You guys dropped a single awhile back, what happened with Elektra that made you leave and go to Star Track?

The Clipse: With Elektra everything was good, we dropped the single, and they just had a different vision man. It was in our best interest to go else where. We didnt get dropped, we chose to leave. Its still love there, no animosity or nothing like that. They were real fair with too. They didnt have to let us off the label, but they did, cause they respected us like that. Did you guys get your album done for them? Will any of those songs be on the upcoming album for Star Track?

The Clipse: Yeah we did the whole album completed, finished, with features and everything. None of those songs will be on this new album. We chose to leave that in the past, its over. Its a new day, new material, new vision, new everything. Your on Star Track Records now which is the Neptunes label, how did you get down with them?

The Clipse: We've been friends for years. Even before this music thing. We been friends with Pharell and Chad for years. This single is out there, "Gridin'", when is the album gonna drop?

The Clipse: June, look for it around June. It called "Lord Willing". Besides The Neptunes who will be doing production on the album?

The Clipse: Nobody. I didnt even know their were other producers [laughs]. Who all will be guest appearing on the new album?

The Clipse: Jadakiss, Styles, Fabolous, Face, Star Track artists Rosco Peako Chang out of Phillie, and Fam Lai out of Virginia. Comparing this new album to the one you recorded on Elektra, how is it different as far as the concept?

The Clipse: I think the last one was just as street but we just grew. We grew with the flow we grew with everything. You ask people who had the chance to hear that album and they like its just crazy. I think we could put it out now to this day and it would still be fire. But this new album is just current, its more with the times, that was then, this is now. Is their any chance Elektra might release that down the road sometime?

The Clipse: Yeah after we blow off this new album they might try to. Alot of people dont know you guys are brothers, whats it like working with each other? You guys still get in the brotherly fights?

The Clipse: Nah man its not like that. Its easy actually, alot of things we dont even have to do together. We know how eachother thinks, we know automatically, we just guess where a songs gonna go and it always works like that. We dont write together, we dont sit down and write together. We will discuss the concept or vibe to the beat or whatever and then its like phone tag, like listen to what I got etc. We do it like that. How long have you guys been flowing for?

The Clipse: hmm, this is Malice and Ive been rapping since I was like 10 maybe, if not younger than that. This is Pusha and I didnt start til I was 15 maybe. Some where around there but we always loved rap man, always. What made you guys wanna get into the industry?

The Clipse: It was pretty much laid out. Dont get that twisted though cause it was still a hard grind. Pharell and The Neptunes were doing their thing, we were down before the music, but they doing their thing and it just came together, it made sense cause we've always been like lyrically incline , we were always into that and it was a outlet, and we had to take advantage of it. How did you guys first get signed, with Elektra?

The Clipse: Just shopping the demo, Im trying to remember how it all happened. Sylvia had heard it, and she went crazy over it. She was real happy about "The Funeral" and thats really how we remember it. She heard our work. Speaking of "The Funeral" will that be remixed or re-released anytime?

The Clipse: "The Funeral" is dead [laughs] its dead and buried. Its a wrap with that man, its a wrap. We dont wanna walk backwards. When you guys blow are you gonna try to bring any new talent in, maybe open the door for some young cats?

The Clipse: Yea thats in the making right now. We got a ton of people out here in V.A that are just killin' it. Back to the album, how many tracks you guys gonna have on there?

The Clipse: 13, 12 or 13. Any ideas for the next single?

The Clipse: Its a song called "When The Last Time You Heard It Like This". Its a big party, crazy anthem. The video "Grindin'" is getting alot of play on BET, will it hit MTV soon?

The Clipse: Thats in the hands of the people, we'll see where it takes us. That video is for the streets though. We all saw the cop car in the video, where did you guys pull that out from?

The Clipse: Virginia [laughs] from Virginia Police. They were right there too, asking questions and shit. They were probably there for other reasons though [laughs]. You guys got any plans right now to tour?

The Clipse: Yeah we start a promo tour on Monday. We're gonna hit the whole East Coast, from New York to Atlanta. But as far as a full tour, we dont have plans for that yet. Well that about wraps it up man, we'll be looking for that album out in June on Star Track Records for sure.

The Clipse: to everyone out there reading this right now go out and vote for "Grindin'" to appear on BET's 106 and Park. One.

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