The A.I. Thread


Where’s Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead? Seriously, what list of the greatest rock guitarists of all time would not—could not—include him? Sure, I know the internet article was just some teaser to get me to mindlessly click through an ad-laden list. But still, no Garcia. I object: Who wrote this article?

And that is the question of the day: “Who wrote this article?” Was it really written by the suspicious name on the byline—as if the author is the protagonist in some cheap novel, such as Ima Riter? Or, as happens more frequently these days, were the words the product of a large language model (LLM), a class of artificial intelligence (AI) models and a sibling of the seemingly ubiquitous ChatGPT, though under the byline of Ima Riter?

As far as jobs being lost, sure, many jobs will be lost to the new technology. But will Al make human efforts redundant? Will we all end up unemployed? Never.
Keep in mind an AI-generated list of guitarists is a synthesis of lists and writings already found on the web—the AI, in essence, employed the same search you would have used. The AI added no new information or no new analysis. It simply provided a probabilistic response to the language prompt: rank the best rock guitarists of all time. However, and this is key, the AI relied on words previously written by humans. It simply responded with a summarized version of all those opinions, a summary that may have more hallucinations than half the audience dancing at a 1980s Grateful Dead concert.

So, yes, AI will be used to generate meaningless lists that occasionally steal minutes from your day. But these synthesized strings of sentences are nothing new, just a rehashing of web articles written by warm, breathing writers. And, yes, many jobs creating similar types of lists, summaries, etc., will be lost, as will many other jobs in various fields and endeavors, just like jobs were previously made redundant by emerging technologies—with new, unrealized jobs created to replace them.
Nevertheless, original ideas—the beauty of humanity—will forever remain the product of acting men and women. And without human hands continually authoring original texts, those supposedly dangerous AIs will summarize nothing and respond with nothing.

Our lives and futures are safe.
Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI

“The energy industry cannot be the reason China or Russia beats us in AI,”

Well that's a disaster waiting to happen and "us retards" have no say in it so thanks a bunch!

Tha Massive Bell

Well-Known Member
"I'm 43 and I used A.I. to help me plan my engagement trip to Disney World. It worked out great!" -- STFU faggot.

I predict that people will eventually long for more human, spontaneous activities that are not bound by digits and efficiency.

Tha Massive Bell

Well-Known Member
I'm so shocked to see so many people putting faith in a gatekeeper technology. One has to come to the understanding that they've been doing it for yeaaaaaaaaaars and your A.I. is an infant. Powerless.

DeepSeek download to be criminalized in US, could mean 20 years in prison, $100M fine

A newly introduced bill from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is drawing attention for its unprecedented severity in restricting Chinese artificial intelligence (AI), specifically targeting technologies like DeepSeek.

Read between the lines.

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Tha Massive Bell

Well-Known Member
You know what pisses me off? I have nothing. I get told what to think and what to do. Brainwashed even. I don't produce anything. I don't earn anything.... They tell me to make something out of my life. As if to tell me that they have a concrete meaning to what life is.

Then they turn around and tell me that A.I. will give me everything I need and bring about a utopia where I don't need to do shit to gain progress.

The biggest crock of shit the planet has ever seen.
I have one 1080 monitor. Elites have 16k x4 monitors. The window I see is dirty to them.


Future person A: "How come you're not influenced by virtual reality"
Future person B: "Because I watch it in 1080p"

Tha Massive Bell

Well-Known Member
Texas Needs Equivalent of 30 Reactors to Meet Data Center Power Demand

lmao honestly, I don't really care because I'm going to die from cancer anyway. I got a plastic spoon in my head for crying out loud.

"Super intelligence will save us!!!" STFU and go live in a Nazi bunker at the south pole, bitch.

Tha Massive Bell

Well-Known Member
and who's bright super intelligence is responsible for building heat generating data centers in one of the hottest sates in the US? Yeah, I know, technocrats want to start putting data centers in the ocean. Again, who's bright super intelligent idea was this? I know not everyone is born in-tuned to nature and have no idea how things work in the real world of thermodynamics but I didn't know it was this bad. They just want shiny new shit, right fucking now! Lace that with some vague proclamation about China beating America in semiconductors and it's just an extension of American Exceptionalism that will lead to nothing but despair.

I don't predict, I just know. So, I'll try not to come back here in 20 years and act like I was ahead of the game like many of us 21th century narcissists like to do.

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