Tha Row Restraining Order Was BS

Restraining Order Reports Inaccurate - Report

The Crooked I ‘restraining order’ that is being reported against Marion ‘Suge’ Knight by many rap and hip-hop news sites does not exist.

Getting in contact with Crooked I’s PR person, it was noted that the reporting of the ‘restraining order’ was not accurate.

The fact is Marion ‘Suge’ Knight, hip-hop rap icon and CEO of Death Row Records; was served with a ‘GAG’ order.

The difference is that a ‘GAG’ order is a restrictive court order that prohibits all or some participants in a trial or civil action from speaking about a case. Or is an order by the court restricting comment on, or the release of information about the proceedings; a court order restricting information or comment by the participants involved in a lawsuit.

A ‘restraining order’ is an order which directs a defendant to stop doing something until a formal hearing is held to determine whether an injunction will be issued. A Restraining Order is a court order restraining one person(s) from doing certain things to other people. The restrictions are listed in the court order. Similar to an injunction, commanding the party to leave the other party alone,

In the suit against Marion ‘Suge’ Knight and Death Row Records, the rap artist Crooked I, whose real name is Dominic Wickliffe; claims Death Row Records lawyers made rival record companies afraid to deal with him when his contract with Marion ‘Suge’ Knight’s Death Row Records ended last year.

According to the news show Celebrity Justice, Crooked I is eager to settle the suit out of court and has offered to sign over the rights to all the material he recorded as a Death Row Records artist to Mr. Knight in return for total cancellation of any obligation to Death Row Records.

According to Crooked I’s PR person all the other information is correct.

Crooked I is currently working on a documentary about his time at Death Row Records and his renovation from a rapper, to a rapper/CEO of his own record label.The ‘Life After Death Row’ DVD is being prepared now.
why the fuck is Suge getting served a 'gag' order. To stop Suge speaking about the court proceedings. like Crook doesnt want anyone to know the deal.

sounds a bit homo to me.

ah well, hopefully we'll get to hear his Row tracks now


Active Member
PaulyPac said:
i highly doubt he killed 2pac, why would he tattoo the name of a dude he had killed on his arm

cause most of the people here are lil kids who's only info they get about Suge is from Snoop's mouth. I agree Suge didnt have Pac set up or killed that shit ridiculous, are you gonna sit in a car next to the dude you just put a hit on? An everyone that hates on Suge, Suge wasnt the first nor will he be the last ceo to screw artists over, that shits been going on for years he didnt invent it.
Valiant Emcee said:
so what if Suge blabs. why is Crook nor wanting anybody to know about it

sounds a bit sus
crooked didnt request the gag, crooked i is not allowed to talk about it either, like he said in his interview
Once and for all Pauly, here's Crooked I speaking on why he recoursed to the law and filed a gag order on Suge Knight. Accept it or not, the evidence confirms that, just like everyone tried to explain to you, Crooked clearly isn't the "Gangsta" he proclaims to be. That's my last word on this topic.

Rapper Crooked I has filed a gag order against Marion "Suge" Knight, CEO of Tha Row, claiming that Knight is interfering with his recording career.

Crooked I, who signed with the label in 1999 and made national television appearances with Knight, alleges that other record labels interested in signing him are being chased away by Knight, who claims the Crooked I is still signed to Tha Row.

"It's a shame that we have to go there," Crooked I told "My whole thing is, when I told him [Suge] I wanted to make a move, he always told me, 'if you wanna make a move, I'll let you bounce.' So when he sent the cease and desist to stop my recording career and they kept saying that I was still signed on Tha Row's website, it kind of puzzled me. On top of that, I felt the contract was expired. I gotta live out here, I gotta eat and put music out on the streets."

Crooked I, who was signed to Virgin before signing with Tha Row, is considered one of Hip-Hop's brightest emerging talents, due to his lyrical prowess.

He said he fulfilled his obligations to the label by recording almost four albums worth of material for Tha Row that has never been released. He said he also did writing for Left Eye and Kurupt and believes his contract actually expired in 2003.

"Right now, the contract is being debated. It's all based on interpretation," Crooked I explained. "Four years, no releases, I turned in my masters. Once you turn in your masters and nothing comes out, it’s over. I have turned in mastered albums and nothing came out."

Crooked I is currently working on a documentary about his time at Death Row and his transformation from a rapper, to a rapper/CEO.

Label woes aside, Crooked I said that while the ordeal has been a struggle, he would eventually persevere.

"I am trying to have everything clean so everyone will be confident when they are dealing with me," Crooked I continued. "I want to go full swing without having to worry about this dude [Suge] coming out of the darkness."
Dominic "Crooked I" Wickliffe has placed a gag order on Suge Knight and employees of Tha Row Records. reported earlier this month that Crooked I officially left the label in January after only releasing a few mixtapes and making cameo appearances on Deathrow. Apparently, the West Coast rapper has tried to move on, inking his Dynasty Entertainment to Treacherous/Universal and prepping the release of several projects, including a Life After Death Row DVD. However, Crooked claims that Suge has continued to scare-off other labels from working with him, telling them he is still signed to Tha Row. He reportedly has offered to transfer the rights to all the material he recorded as a Tha Row artist to Knight in return for being left alone. Further legal action by Wickliffe is pending.
crooked i didnt fucking state that, are you stupid or blind ? man there are some clowns on this board, the paragraph you are referring to is the one which has been said is false, do you know anything about crooked i or his life ? erm sorry sir but crooked i didnt put the gag on suge the court did, crooked i said he would get fucked too if he spoke about it.
PaulyPac said:
crooked i didnt fucking state that, are you stupid or blind ? man there are some clowns on this board, the paragraph you are referring to is the one which has been said is false, do you know anything about crooked i or his life ? erm sorry sir but crooked i didnt put the gag on suge the court did, crooked i said he would get fucked too if he spoke about it.
The paragraph I am referring to has been confirmed as fact. The rumour of a restraining order rather than a gag order was not. Crooked I confirmed he placed it on Bye bye now Pauly :thumb:
he didnt place it there on, they twisted it, crooked i doesnt do many interviews for all hiphop much after the last time they wrote bullshit about him, he wrote an article about it on his board about how they got it wrong, crooked i hasnt confirmed shit who said crooked i confirmed it ? hes not even allowed to talk about it

you an idiot that all there is to it
yo Zero why you tryin to contradict paulypac all the fuckin time? just because a gag order is placed doesn't mean crooked I is a 'gangsta'. it means he uses his brain over brawns. which would you rather do?

example 1.) take your AK47 and wait until Suge leaves KFC and blow his ass up
example 2.) place a gag order and not have to worry about him
yo Zero why you tryin to contradict paulypac all the fuckin time? just because a gag order is placed doesn't mean crooked I is a 'gangsta'. it means he uses his brain over brawns. which would you rather do?

example 1.) take your AK47 and wait until Suge leaves KFC and blow his ass up
example 2.) place a gag order and not have to worry about him
That isn't in dispute. Everyone supports Crooked I's right to make a living and go to the law if he feels the need to enforce that right. However proclaiming you're a "gangsta" and then running to the law when you can't get your business sorted out isn't staying true to the image he projects to the public. If he was as "gangsta" as he proclaims, he'd go to Suge and sort him out à la Vito Corleone. That's the only point of disagreement me, Calcuo or Pennypacker have with Pauly.
tell me how is there a way to clear a legal contract dispute with out getting the law involved?

crooked i has tried to make a deal with suge outside of court, but suge is greedy and he know he will lose out by losing an artist like crooked i

crooked i left dr and he didnt tell the law shit as soon as he signed to treacherous, suge sent over paper work claiming he was still on tha row and claimed to take further legal action, crooked i had a court case like 2 weeks ago and has another court apearence in march, he is trying to sort out the buisness without the court being involved, by handing over his masters from deathrow

deathrow issued the lawsuit not crooked i, the gag was ruled at the last court apearence not by the request of crooked, he also has been told not talk about it, if you watch the interview video on wcrydaz you will see.

he did not go to the courts the gag thing was bought up on the last deathrow lawsuit which they issued not crooked i, he hasnt issued any court cases. its all been done by deathrow, so he hasnt run to the law about anything
Just because Crooked I says he didnt file that gag order it must be true ???
U are heavily swinging from this guys nuts. reading through these 2 threads has been amusing, U carry on like Icon is U'r wife.

I tend to believe official documentation over crooked I's WCrydaz interview.

Cook orderd the gag, face it pauly
how the fuck can crooked order a gag order ? crooked i was told to keep his mouth shut too, and how do you know thats offical sir, you are just making up ur own arguments, the webmaster of dynasty baord speaks to crooked i all the time and he lets me know whats happening

you people need to grow up
grow up lol

take some of U'r own advice

of course the webmaster at dynasty is gonna be jockin Crooked I, nearly as hard as U are. Come on man, get a fucking grip the guy isnt god.

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