TB Freshest Idea Yet!

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Hey Ruk/Jon

Check this idea.

Why don;t you add a Flash or java Media player which plays tracks from mixemup or streethop? maybe even sum of the unsigned hype stuff.

This could maybe run in the background of the board and can be turned on and off by ppl so save thier connection i.e if they are on a 56k etc....?

Sound Good?


Dying Breed
Staff member
we will do it, as soon as u start chipping in on the monthly payments on the server. cool idea though.


Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I guess it's a good idea, but why not just use your own tools for listening to music? I mean, I guess it'd be cool in a setting like a library or school computer or something, but even then you're fucked unless you have headphones.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
The.Menace said:
That will cost a lot of bandwith.....and that's why it won't happen even through it's a good idea. .
SicC said:
we will do it, as soon as u start chipping in on the monthly payments on the server. cool idea though.

Great idea, but closed.
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