Film & TV Survivor: Redemption Island


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its starting soon, who is excited?

how will rob and russel do?

who of the new players are you looking forward to seeing?


VIP Member
Staff member
It's Russell Hantz, bitch.

To be honest, I'm more interested in seeing how the whole Redemption Island addition will work out. Probst on his blog has vouched for it big time... it's either going to be a huge hit, and a miss to the point where they'll have to remove it.

We'll see...


Staff member
im looking forward to seeing how it will work, it will add another layer of strategy to game which is always a good thing. probst said something cryptic in one of his blogs along the lines of "im sure you guys will love it if you give it a chance, if not i will vote myself out". which i think that may mean if it does not work then he may not host again.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read any spoilers since the whole Rob vs russel thing. Like both of you said its either going to be hit or miss, but based on probst comments I think it'll work out. me thinks it was originally implented as a back up for rob and russel getting voted out right away.


Staff member
yeh same, because im sure rusty will get booted early so at least he will get some screen time on Redemption Island. i have stayed away from the spoilers over at the survivor sucks forum, i hate it when seasons get spoiled.


Well-Known Member
In a weird way I can Russel going far.. he's the kind've person you want to ride to the finals. He does all the work and you're almost guaranteed the win.


Staff member
yeh i could see that happening, but at the same time i reckon there will be people who want to get them out because they are big names. kinda like making a name for themselves for getting rid of one of the "top players"


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Staff member
I just watched the premier. Just a few thoughts (not really spoilers though imo, but don't read anything if you want to be completely surprised)

1) This season is gonna be fucking epic.
2) The most fucked up tribal council ever - in terms of mind fuck.
3) LMAO Philip - you'll understand more as you watch the episode.
4) Boston Rob & Russell, enough said. They've obviously changed a lot since the last Survivor.
5) Enjoy. lol


Staff member
Can't wait going to download when I get home.

On a side note I like our survivor clique. Funky, any sections you would like to mod when I put up the new mods?


Well-Known Member
This season is going to be really good. That was best first episode I have ever seen. Usually when a new season starts it takes me 4-5 weeks to really get into it but I'm already jonsing for the next episode.

A few things:

1.) Rob has the young girls wrapped around his finger already.

2.) Like flip said, its cool to see how much rob and russel have both changed. When russel said that he was going to be a team player and a leader in his beginning confessional I thought he was joking. I didn't believe it till I saw it.

3.) LOL @ Russell's new tattoos.

I like the balance of players on this season already. I believe david (not sure if thats his name, he's a defense attorney) is going to go far this season. Its going to be interesting to see how Russell fairs the first time his tribe goes to tribal council, I remember reading brief bios on the players and 90% of them say he is their least favourite player.

Tribal council and Phillip:
Oh boy, that was something else. First of all, Phillip is like coach on steroids. I'm a special agent and I'm excellent at reading people... uh wtf? Now for actual tribal council. I think phillip not being able to pronounce Franchesca's name was one of the funniest survivor moments of all time, LMAO, and then he goes on to say "sorry, I have a dry throat and I'm in treatment for it" hahahah, classic. Rob telling kristina, give me the idol and you can stay. Brilliant. When she refused to hand it over she hung herself. The only thing I wish turned out different, kristina getting voted out over Franchesca.

Edit: I'd say our block, but I don't know if that is a good idea. Maybe the music forum or do for love, something small.


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Episode 2:

I don't understand Russell. He kept talking before the show, and at the beginning about how he has changed.. but when the farmer confronted him what did he do? Completley sewer himself. I just really don't get it. I mean if you want to be like that fine, i could understand if you have an idol, but without an idol? What are you thinking man.

Phillip grew on me this episode. He has more depth than coach, and can hold his own at challenges. The part where he was crying because francesca insulted his allegience to his country and his honor, vintage survivor right there. I'm glad he caught his crab, but trying to kill it with a spear at first? Huh? The whole gorilla/lion thing at tribal, classic.

I'm kind've confused by voting matt out. I get that you need to split him and andrea up, that kristina is going to play her idol, and that phillip is the perfect pawn. What i don't get is voting mat out over andrea. In mat, sure you have a jesus freak and that has got to be annoying as all hell but he is strong, and the way they're going right now, that is more important than anything. Something makes me suspect we missed a part of it with the editing. I've never seen anyone voted out this early because of a handshake, and i understand it, I just don't think it was the best possible move to make. Whateve happens on the tribe because of it, it will be interesting.

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