Streethop supports those companies making money through slave labour!

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Common seriously get those adds off...

All the shoes are counterfeit and are not legitament. i once got ripped off by a site like that and anybody who orders through them will be lucky to recieve their shoes. If you are lucky enough to recieve them they are always a size too small and fall apart within 4 months...

After some investiagtion into these facories usually based in HangZhou and XiaoShan its really sad that you continue to place these adds on this website. Yes i once did order but had no idea about the legitamacy of the shoes. yes official niek factories do use child labour but they pay at least a standard wage in china and have better run facilities.

If anybody doesn't know Sneaker guy and ludakicks are websites that sell shoes made by people in third world countries in some of the worst working conditions ever seen. Usually the poeple that run these factories are corrupt and subject their workers to sexual abuse and assault. If your going to advertise shoes at least advertise those sites that sell legitament shoes like
Also rukas i see that you closed a earlier topic on the quality of the shoes... you finished the thread by stating:

"However, as far as I can see, they are all reputable businesses, and if one is found to sell an inferious product, that does not mean the others do to.

In the end, the buyer is reponsible, not me and not the site, thus this is not the place to discuss other sites and businesses."

You may not be concerned with what type of products they sell but as far as i'm concerned your only supporting this type of market to take place. Every cent made by sites advertised on here, will most likely go into buying more shoes from these factories in china. You play a role in the list of people that help the marketing from the factories to the final consumer. Its clearly obvious that your morals are sacrificed for a few dollars a week. :thumb:


Active Member
ThUgPoUnD_RiDer said:
You may not be concerned with what type of products they sell but as far as i'm concerned your only supporting this type of market to take place.

Ok, get off your soapbox. Do you want the site here or not? You're in no postion to comment about how the site is funded, especially when no contributions been made by yourself.

If you're gonna bitch about "a couple of dollars" a week ($104 a year) then why don't you help out by paying 40cents a week ($20 a year) for VIP? That's right, 40cents a week, i hope you feel tight now, cos you sure look it.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Maybe you should petition google too.

Or any other Search Engine.

Rukas has already spoken on the subject, and you know this. It's an ad, that supports the site.

I close with -

Rukas said:
However, as far as I can see, they are all reputable businesses, and if one is found to sell an inferiour product, that does not mean the others do too.

In the end, the buyer is responsible, not me and not the site, thus this is not the place to discuss other sites and businesses
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