Streethop Info on Google


Well-Known Member
I am applying for this job and for the first time found myself concerned with what information was out there about me. I've got nothing to hide, but I said something idiotic in a serious thread I made two years ago and it's the only thing that shows up in results pertaining to my name. I can't even edit the info in the post because it's locked. Is there any possible way this could be deleted? This would be greatly appreciated.


Who's there?
Staff member
Trying applying for the job using your govt name and not ur streethop username. That should help.

Jokes aside, I googled your govt name---nuthing of streethop comes up esp in the first few pages. Unless I did it wrong.

But Im curious too.


Well-Known Member
Lol, it doesn't involve my alias or government name. It's my e-mail that only has 2 results on google, both to streethop. It's not important now. I'm just not gonna use it anymore.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
If you tell me what threads they are I will fix it, if you dont, then I have no idea what you are talking about.

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