Stoudemire - “I got more advice from this one guy than I’ve gotten from anybody.”

hey i found this article on dime mag that talks a lil about amare being influenced by tupac

“Out of all the people who have tried to be your counsel over the years,” I ask, “whose advice did you take the most? Who do you lean on?”

“I can honestly say this,” he answers, taking his time. “I got more advice from this one guy than I’ve gotten from anybody.”

There’s a dramatic pause.

“And that’s Tupac Shakur,” he says.

I ask him later to clarify this.

“God and Tupac,” he reaffirms, naming his two greatest advisors. And his answers got deeper from there.

‘If I Die 2Nite/So Many Tears’

Dime: Do you look at yourself as a Tupac-like figure? Someone who has a

larger purpose than a scoring average?

AS: Yeah, I think so, man … I think basketball is gonna be me because I

want to master the game. But besides that I think the main thing is

that I really want to teach the kids, man, the kids in the hood in

poverty. Like I said before, we’re last right now and we’re soon gonna

be first and I want to be the one to spark it up. That’s my plan.

here is the link

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