Something weird

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to go on record to say that something weird is going on in the board right now, the posts are fucked up.... I go into a thread to reply and when I post- my post gets posted before the guy who posted like 5 mins before..

Its prolly nothing but you never know.. Are we under attack?

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Ok, some posts seems to be stuck on '1 minute ago' , I've noticed this in Thugz Mansion and Life so far.... I cleared my cache and refreshed a few times but still the same..

anybody else seeing this? Is it just me?
ONe Nation Album should be leaked !!!

correct me if im wron but in some1 sell an one Nation Album for 13 dollars i dont know whay . I thought it isnt come out?

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