Non-Urban Music Some tracks for all


The One, The Only
One of my really good friends is a singer down here in melbourne and she gave me a copy of her CD a few days ago. I have been so impressed, proud and overwhelemed with her music that i've been speechless.
Anyway here's a link to one of her songs:
Right click - save target as

The group is called Capri and i'm only friends with the shorter girl

Check out their website and one more track (move it) on their website
the music isnt something i would buy personally but i would not be surprised if they are received well in australia at least. I can picture hearing that song on video hits on a saturday morning. Its standard pop/dance songs which I generally abhor but if they make a buck from it then more power to them. The vocals are heavy on effects by the way, but it sounds just as good as anything else on the pepsi charts. Both those chicks look greek or italian, am i right...?

The website says they have a version of "poison" by BBD which i loved back in the day, u should post up that song...


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