bought a new album....

or you dled one...whatever.... how do you go about listening to it?

sounds like a simple, stupid question, but i know alot of people, myself included...have a tough time sitting down and listening to cd...

for one, i have this terrible habit of searching for songs with good seems to me that that is the function of rap/hip look for the songs with good beats....dont worry about the words, the song's jus gotta get to you...and while i know for fact that there's more, and alotta the times i do get more from a song than just the beat, it's still an issue...

the next problem ties in with the previous one... i skip tracks like a does have a good beginning, which leads to a good beat, skip it.... i've missed so many classic songs, nas, pac, biggie, jay-z, etc.... just cuz the beginning was kinda lame....but 20 seconds later, the beat picked up and i ended up liking it....of course, i'd figure this out 3 months after i got the cd and skipped right past it...

so really, to sparknote that essay above, i wanna know.... how do you listen to music?? do you force yourself to sit through the love songs, or the songs that really dont get to you after about a minute of listening, or do skip through them???

and what do you listen on, a device (cd, mp3, let's get anal and say md players), or on your pc?? or car? (not counting as soon as you bought it, on the drive home) and in a quiet room as you work...

a little feedback would help
When I get a new album, I pop it in and listen to each track from start to finish. I've done this with every album I ever got, regardless of good or bad albums, I sit through it and let it all soak in.


Wishes he was on probation
i do what you do...listen for good beats and then let the words soak in

i have bought albums before...and because the first song or two were shit...i didnt listen to the rest for about 3 or 4 months...then i decide to give it another go and then i notice what i was missing out on


Well-Known Member
I just have music playin everywhere I go, be it at work, in the car, at home, whenever. When I get something new I take it with me to wherever and just listen. I dont like sit down and say I'm gonna listen to this from start to finish, I jsut go on with my day with music playing.
First thing I do is rip my new cd. Then I open it up in winamp and doodle on some paper...or play a simple game that doesn't take much mind power (solitair, for example), so that I can still hear what is being said :)

On ocassion, I don't listen to one right away, then I'll be in my room and listen to one in an act of spontaneity
does something like this happen??

you actively listen to the cd, like it, but never have the motivation to listen to it again??? it's like watching a movie you just liked, but not loved, over again...


Well-Known Member
When I get a new album I usually copy it to my ipod as soon as I get home. Then one night when I get home and am really high I'll be browsing through albums on my ipod, find the new one, stick my headphones in, turn em up and lie down in my bed and fall asleep or I'll read a book or play video games while I listen to it.
First off go through track to track but fast forward to the middle of each song about 1:30 just to get a feel for the song, do this for each one till the end then go back to listen to the ones which sounded good in their enterity. Put the whole thing on my i pod listen to it down the gym then decide which tacks to keep on their and which to delete.


Active Member
Franchise2003 said:
First off go through track to track but fast forward to the middle of each song about 1:30 just to get a feel for the song, do this for each one till the end then go back to listen to the ones which sounded good in their enterity. Put the whole thing on my i pod listen to it down the gym then decide which tacks to keep on their and which to delete.

yeh sometimes lettin it play on the ipod i hear stuff i wouldnt at my comp. I keep everythign on my ipod tho, i think it loooks more organized with full albums and stuff...
I dont download albums. But when i buy one usually insert that son of a bitch right into my car cd player and listen to it as a go to my next destination, usually home. If i am really liking the cd ill bring it inside and continue finishing the album or play it over. If i dont like it ill just not listen to it.

For me, it just has to be what is in my opinion an all around good album. I mean i love beats and i love lyrics. But if the beats are really good and the lyrics arent my style or vice versa than it annoys me. and i wont listen to it.

If its something that i am really liking i will just play it over and over for as long as possible.
I listen to tracks with big names and guest appearances. One example I can think of was with GRODT. I listened to all the features first and then singles. From there I went to big name producers and then to more obscure ones. This way I've always got a track somewhere on the album that I recognize. It normally makes it easier to listen to an album when you know a couple songs before popping it in.

If there aren't too many guest appearances or big name producers though, then I read reviews online and then check out the hot tracks they talk about and then go back through and listen to the rest.


New Member
I'll get around to listening to the whole thing right through on the same day, and then tracks will come up on shuffle in itunes and some of them can become catchy, if none of them become catchy after a time i dis-select them and never listen to the album again. Or come back to the album months after removing it from itunes and give it another go.
i dont need to define "actively listening" to the album, right??? actively is when you listen to each and every word...usually you're sitting down, or at least i am, calmly, and try and hear the artist out..

so when you're driving, it's awfully hard to listen actively to the music..if anything, it's just background music...for example, say you just bought illmatic...could you say it was a classic album just cuz you listened to it in the car??? do you listen to music as closely, when you are in the car?


Active Member
Car is probaly the best place to listen to music.

I mean if your with other people and theres a conversation then its tough, but like on the way to work/school...
yeah....i listened to my ipod before bed last night...listened to the entire Kool G Rap album.."4,5,6".... pretty good....generally i listen in bed, but i have my eyes closed, but this time i actually stayed awake and listened to the whole thing.....i dont know why i told you this...

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