well i see no reason why the writers guild should end this strike until they can get what they want. the way i see it, a songwriter gets royalties for his songs when an album gets sold, or when a song is sold on iTunes, so why shouldn't the same apply to writers? a lot of what it is about is intellectual property laws. if you helped to write something and the studio is making money off what you wrote and not paying you anything in return (as in the case of DVD and internet episode sales), a concession needs to be made somewhere, and it shouldn't be coming from their side. now none of us like this strike, but you can't blame the writers for trying to get what they think is a fair deal. the production heads need to stop being so greedy and give writers their fair share.
what we should all be worried about is the potential Actors Guild strike that could be looming when their contract expires this summer. you know they are gonna want the same concessions the writers get, and an actors' strike would be a lot worse for us than just a writers' strike.