Snoop dogg rape claim dropped


SicC's Love
I tried searchhing to check if this had been potsed but couldn't find it!

Snoop Dogg 'rape' claim is dropped

A make-up artist has dropped a lawsuit alleging she was drugged and raped by rapper Snoop Dogg and several of his associates after a taping of the ABC television show Jimmy Kimmel Live two years ago.

The woman's lawyer filed a request last Wednesday to dismiss the suit with prejudice, meaning it cannot be refiled.

No criminal charges were ever brought.

Snoop Dogg's lawyer also asked that a suit he filed against the accuser be dismissed, said the rapper's publicist, Meredith O'Sullivan.

Snoop Dogg, whose real name is Calvin Broadus, paid "absolutely no money in the settlement," O'Sullivan said.

In a statement, Snoop Dogg's accuser said "the matter has been resolved amicably".

The woman had applied Snoop Dogg's make-up before four shows, according to her lawsuit.

She said she was drugged with spiked champagne after the rapper's final appearance.

Snoop Dogg's lawsuit alleged that the woman had been trying to extort £2.8 million in exchange for keeping silent.

He sought punitive damages and to bar her from future threats.


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How come these bitches can run around and claim they got raped without any consequences. Like that other bitch that tried to play Kobe or the MJ thing. If you accuse someone like this, it's dead serious. How come these bitches can try 2 get money and if they don't just withdraw. I don't know, they'd deserve to be punished.


SicC's Love
^ i agree, something should be done, even if they just got charged with wasting police time. they shouldn't get off scott free


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Ghetto_Ghost said:
i thought they are supposed to get charged if they file a false claim.
Yeah they are, but therefor you have 2 prove that it's a false claim.
If the case is dismissed cause of lack of evidence like in the MJ case, nothing happens.
Or the Kobe story, If the case is dismissed cause the only witness for the prosecution, which is the one that actually claimed that he raped her, denies 2 testify - nothin happens.
yeah rape is kinda hard to prove....i guess thats why they get away with it...

50 has the right idea...he has hidden cameras taping everything that goes down in his bedroom haha -best thing hes ever done lol
kman_69 said:
50 has the right idea...he has hidden cameras taping everything that goes down in his bedroom haha -best thing hes ever done lol
yes, its a good idea but the fucking idiot shouldnt have announced it nationally


Well-Known Member
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yeah rape is kinda hard to prove....i guess thats why they get away with it...
so you believe them bitches? i don't? I followed the Kobe case and always believed she was lying....and here, well, the same thing.
^ i agree!

It is women like this that makes rape so difficult to prove, if you have really been raped it is women like this that made it harder to get a conviction


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I don't agree. if you go to the polcie right after it happend (whic hmight not be that easy I agree) you have pretty good chances. Let's face it, in a rape case the women is in a better position cause anyone feels sorry for her.
If someone raped a girl I mean I'm 100% for a case and everything, if he's guilty he should go to jail, but as a women, if you were raped for real, why wouldn't deny 2 testify? Why would you do that - if he did hurt you and you have your chance in court to get justice, why wouldn't you testify? That's what that bitch did with Kobe. U know, called the police (after she called her lawyer) and everyting and then one year later it was something like "she doesn't have the power no more to testify"....stra8 up lie and it pisses me off. Why? Cause you don't accuse a guy of a crime for nothing espacially not for such a crime. This can serisouly fuck up his whole life - you play with another man's life - cause your greedy bitch.....I'd love to see her put in jail. Seriously. I can't imagin what someone is going through if those accusations are false. people calling you rapist. Cause she wants some money. Nah. They all shouldn't get away like this. You want a trial? Aiight. But it's just false that they can back out of it like this.
good points. i think she should be punished, ( i don't know what happened with kobe but sounds harsh) if she has made a false claim and dainted someones reputation she should be punished. the things that gets me is how does a rape claim get to court without any evidence? (ie if she is claiming she has been raped but when they checked her out when she went the police they found no sign of forcefull entry etc)
The.Menace said:
so you believe them bitches? i don't? I followed the Kobe case and always believed she was lying....and here, well, the same thing.
nar i meant thats why the chicks get away with faulse accusations...

not to say women arent raped.....its just highly unlikely that someone famous (who could have any women they wanted) would actually rape somebody.

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