SiGh deleting excalibur's thread

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I don't think that thread necessarily needed to be deleted, it's not like it's some Faces Of Death shit or something that we watch for the sake of watching someone die, it's more to show how crooked cops can be. I'm not bashing your modding, I'm just saying I think you kind of misinterpreted the rule.


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Its a video of some kid getting shot up a bunch of times, I dont think its appropiate, but if the admins/other mods think I was wrong, they can undelete it.


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SiGh said:
Its a video of some kid getting shot up a bunch of times, I dont think its appropiate, but if the admins/other mods think I was wrong, they can undelete it.
It's not a video of someone's brains being blown out or something, it sort of has a message, as opposed to a gruesome video posted for the enjoyment of gore junkies. I'm sure Streethop can handle the image of a man (and a dog) being dropped, because really that's all you can see, it's not like you even see any blood or anything.


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Diaz said:
It's not a video of someone's brains being blown out or something, it sort of has a message, as opposed to a gruesome video posted for the enjoyment of gore junkies. I'm sure Streethop can handle the image of a man (and a dog) being dropped, because really that's all you can see, it's not like you even see any blood or anything.
I know what its a video of, I saw it. But its similiar to the thread that was posted a few months back of a guy's head being chopped off. The video was taken from far away and all you could see is just a man, taking a chop and a ball shaped something (head), rolling away as the body dropped. There was no blood or anything visible.

The point is, people being killed isnt allowed on streethop, no matter what the circumstance is. I understand there's a message to the video. We all know there's crooked cops everywhere and stuff like this happens all the time. But the actual video being posted--isn't necessary. If some1 really wants to see it, they can google/youtube it.

And like I said, I'm not gonna un-delete the video, but if another mod/admin thinks it's shouldn't have been deleted, then they can undelete it.
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