sig lengths...


Well-Known Member
i agree. it's actually more than one full browser page for me, and i'm running 1280x1024. i think maybe there should be a rule for signatures. ie. don't put 90 quotes in there and so on.


Well-Known Member
i think limits are stupid though. if you have the NEED to put 16 and not 15 lines in your signature, you have to leave something out. while if you need 3 lines you might still throw in 16 lines of bullshit. i have my contact info and a little "ad" for my website in my sig. furthermore i have various quotes i picked up here and there because i have an ego that NEVER gets enough and i love the attention!! signatures could be used for useful shit though, instead of quotes you think are funny. for instance, harry_potter's signature. i don't have a problem with you, potter, but i think your signature in particular is stupid. why? because it's ignorant, and while it at first might sound like logic, it is so far from it. i'll admit, yours is one of the few signatures i have actually read lol. but i don't find it funny, so all it does is make me have to scroll further to get to the bottom of the page. now if your signature was just as long, but each line had an url to a website you run, then it's justifiable.

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