server busy


Well-Known Member
i refreshed after 2 seconds and it worked for me, and i didn't have the problem again, so i didn't report this because i'm not satisfied, i just thought maybe there was something bugging.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Rizzle said:
i refreshed after 2 seconds and it worked for me, and i didn't have the problem again, so i didn't report this because i'm not satisfied, i just thought maybe there was something bugging.

I do like you Rizzle. :horny:
Happend me a bit this evening.I had typed out a big list of albums that might have been included in 7 Syn's Top 100 albums for hip hop heads thread.I click post reply and then the message saying server busy appeared.I click back and everything was gone and my post never went through.Im gonna have to start typing again lol.
I have been getting alot more server busy messages lately. I try to go somewhere and it says server busy and I refresh for 30 minutes and it's still busy. Stuff like that has happened about 4 times a day :(.


Active Member
2PacThug4Life said:
I have been getting alot more server busy messages lately. I try to go somewhere and it says server busy and I refresh for 30 minutes and it's still busy. Stuff like that has happened about 4 times a day :(.
Get VIP and avoid said issues! :thumb:
lamont said:
Happend me a bit this evening.I had typed out a big list of albums that might have been included in 7 Syn's Top 100 albums for hip hop heads thread.I click post reply and then the message saying server busy appeared.I click back and everything was gone and my post never went through.Im gonna have to start typing again lol.
hehe yeah that used to happen to me all the time a while ago except it was because it logged me out while i was writing long replies... i got into a habit now of pressing ctrl+c now after typing long posts just in case!!

I havent had any problems with the server at all for a long long time.

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