Script sample in Res. book?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Im at work so dont have my copy of Resurrection here, but wasnt there a photo of one of the pages from Live 2 Tell in there?

Anyone got a scan?


Will suck off black men for a dime
radkin said:
Nah it's not in there, it metions the film in there but there is no live 2 tell script sample in there

"The first eight months, I spent in solitude, twenty-three-hours-a-day lockdown, reading, writing. I wrote a script called Live To Tell.

I read Screenplay, that big famous book by Syd Field. I got that and I remembered all the scripts I'd ever read, and I wrote one. It's based semi on my own life and the rest is fiction. But it follows this guy through his whole life. It's a coming-of-age story. But it tells the mother's side of view. It's like a movie to all of my albums."

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