Scribble Jam 2005


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Anyone happen to go or know anyone that went? Word is the Australian MC, Justice from Melb (real cool dude) won the freestyle competition.

Also I heard Copywrite got his ass kicked (again).


Well-Known Member
Copywrite owes Icon the Mic King money or something, so they've got beef. Icon was judging one of the early battles and some guy made a reference to Copywrite getting his ass kicked previously and Icon jumped in with a "Fuck Copywrite". Of course, Copywrite gets his gangsta on, shows up, and asks Icon if he wants to take it outside. Icon says yes, and the rest is history.

This is what Copywrite deserves for building his rep by going around taping himself pissing on homeless people. But hey, he should be honored that kicking his ass is now an official element of hip-hop (it's more popular than actual DJing).

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