Rukas, Please Read This

Can we make a sticky to sign the petition for saving Stanley Williams from the death penalty on the frontpage of streethop or somethin? The amount of exposure it can receive here, may potentially spread the word a lot faster than one little thread in the our block section. You can just copy and paste an email i sent to my msn contact if you want or make your own writeup if you choose...

Whatsup y'all,

Stanley "Tookie" Williams, former founder of the Crips is set to receive the death penalty in december. Since his incarceration, he's gone on to reach the lives of many through children's books condemning gang violence. Yea we all joke about all that gangstuh shit and it's funny but this is ain't no joke. This man has previously received a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and it would be a shame if he's taken out the game when he could instead, continue to make a positive contribution to society. He should be given the chance to redeem himself and make right on what he's done in the past. Afterall, the objective of prison is rehabilitation and NOT punishment. If you don't think he should be pardoned, don't sign the petition. I'm not forcing you or anything. Come up with your own opinion and if you agree with me, visit this site and help give him a fighting chance.

****** ******

If you wanna read some more about him, here's an interview to get you started You'll find a lot more by just typing his name into google. Also, if you thought you've heard about this story before somewhere, Jaimie Foxx played his part in a movie called Redemption.

Peace out.
i dont care what anybody has done, noone should receive the death penalty. saddam or whoever, life in prison is more of a punishment...
i say let the man free!
so what did he get this sentence for?


Well-Known Member
check out the movie "Redemption" starring Jamie Foxx. i dunno how accurate it is in terms of what's real and what's fiction but that should give you an idea. he was put in prison and on death row for being found guilty of four homicides i think.


Dying Breed
Staff member
Hymnz said:
i dont care what anybody has done, noone should receive the death penalty. saddam or whoever, life in prison is more of a punishment...
i say let the man free!
so what did he get this sentence for?


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